Page 79 of Begin Again

Big Family Affairs

“Since when have you been one to have us over for dinner together during the week?” Abby asked Liz later that night.

It was six and she’d gotten about seven hours of sleep, dragging herself up at five. She’d be good now. She was surprised that she’d been able to fall asleep once she got back to her house but found that when she was tired enough she just shut her eyes and dozed off.

“I wanted to talk to you both,” she told her sister.

“Oh,” Abby said, grinning. “Are you pregnant?”

“No,” she said, waving her hand. “Good lord, not even close.”

“Then what?” Abby asked, helping herself to an olive in the salad bowl on the counter.

“Wait until Dad shows up,” she said. “I want to only say it once.”

Abby looked at her and frowned. “Come on. You tell me everything.”

“I do and I’m going to again,” she said. “Stop being a pesky little sister.”

That made Abby laugh. “Fine. What can I do to help with dinner?”

“You can set the plates at the island.”

“You need a bigger table,” Abby said.

She still only had two seats at her little table which was too small for the breakfast nook.

“Why?” she asked. “I’ve got four seats at the island.”

“This kitchen is pretty sweet. Christian did a great job.”

“With my help,” her father said, walking in the door.

“That’s right,” Liz said. “You both did a great job. The hall bath looks awesome too.”

“It’s done?” Abby said with her hands on her hips. “You didn’t tell me that.”

Her sister took off running out of the kitchen and up the stairs. Her father followed and she figured she might as well go too.

Her sister was walking around and touching everything.

Her father said, “This is beautiful. The double vanity is a nice touch.”

“It’s a small one for a double but the right decision. I’m done with projects for now. There is still a ton to do in the house, but it’s more than livable. I need to put some money into furniture. I know that.”

She still had a healthy savings account. By having her father, Christian and her doing the work, the kitchen and bathroom together cost less than one of the quotes she’d gotten to have her kitchen done.

That didn’t mean she was going to spend the rest of her money to keep working and living in a construction zone.

No way. She needed life to be a little calm right now.

More so after the past twenty-four hours.

“I can help you shop for furniture,” Abby said.

“I’ll think about it,” she said. “I’m going to keep my eye out for sales. I don’t have a problem with the front rooms staying empty. It’d be nice to just get new furniture in the family room back here. Rooms that I use more. Then I’ll figure out the other rooms as I go.”

“What about a dining room table?” Abby asked. “Don’t you want to host Thanksgiving?”