Page 77 of Begin Again

“She works the night shift,” his father said. “So he went to the ER in the middle of the night?”

“Yes. He said he’d been trying to reach her, but she’d blocked him from her phone. When she saw him, she went back to work to get away from him and knew she was safe. When she went to leave yesterday morning, she texted me.”

“Smart,” Evan said.

“Yeah. I’m glad she did it. She didn’t think he was still there, but she was nervous.”

“You should have called me,” Evan said. “I would have gone with you.”

“I know,” he said. “But I just ran out the door.”

No reason to say his heart had been racing for a man that didn’t get too excited about much. He just took things as they came and figured it out. Yesterday, he might have been more like his brother than himself.

“Any of us would have done that,” his father said. “What happened? What did he want?”

“At that point we didn’t know. I got her home safely and she told me what she knew. I called Dylan to see if there was a way to find out where Tanner was staying. He or someone, found the hotel easily enough and we went there. Dylan was off duty by then but met us there to be safe. I don’t want to go into details about Liz’s marriage. That is her business, but I know. Let’s say the guy is a total asshole.”

“Anyone can see or put together that he probably treated her like shit,” Evan said. “Maybe been controlling.”

“Yeah,” he said. It was best to leave it at that. “Going to him caught him off guard, but he came down to the lobby of the hotel. He wanted her to sign over the title to a boat they owned.”

“Why wasn’t that taken care of in the divorce?” Evan asked.

“No clue. From what I can gather she left and that was it. They didn’t talk again except through lawyers. She packed her car up when he was out of the house and only took her clothes and personal possessions. She didn’t contest the divorce and let him have everything. He’d had the house before he met her. She’d forgotten about the boat or maybe just figured it was in his name. No idea. He wanted to sell it and found out he couldn’t without her signature.”

“He had to fly all this way for that?” his father asked. “That makes no sense.”

“He says he tried to call,” he reminded them. “But she has an email address he could have reached out to. I think it’s more he tried to pull one over on her. I told her not to sign anything without a lawyer looking it over. Dylan called Brina who came right over. The dick was trying to get her to pay half the loan that was taken out in their names. Once he was caught he went back and got the real documents and she signed them, then Brina checked with the bank and sent over the divorce papers. It’s over now. Just waiting for his plane to take off.”

“Jesus,” Evan said. “Does he know where she lives?”

“He could find out. He found where she worked. There were so many ways he could have reached out to her rather than fly back here, but I think he thought he could intimidate her. He couldn’t. He didn’t. I was proud of her.”

“As you should be,” his father said.

“She stayed at my place yesterday and slept. Then she went to work. Rather than go home alone until we knew Tanner’s flight left, she went back to my place to sleep again today.”

“Smart,” Evan said.

“Anyway,” he said. “I’d appreciate it if you could keep this to yourselves. She doesn’t want anyone to know. She’s tried to put a lot of it behind her.”

“Not a problem,” his father said. “When is the flight leaving?”

“At nine. Not sure if there is a way to find out if he is on it, but I’m hoping he is. Dylan said he’d follow up to make sure Tanner checked out of the hotel this morning. My guess is it should be soon as he’ll have to be at the airport within the next thirty minutes.”

“I know some people that work at the airport security,” his father said. “Do you want me to reach out and see if they can verify he’s there?”

“I hate to ask you to do any favors,” he said.

“You’re not asking. I’m offering,” his father said. “Tanner Carter, right?”

“Yeah, thanks.” He gave his father the flight time and airline. Tanner had told them he couldn’t wait to get out of there and they’d asked when that would be.

Maybe after the shit he tried to pull he felt it would be wise to volunteer that information rather than being a dick and withholding it.

His father and brother left after that and he got to work.

Two hours later his phone rang and it was Dylan telling him that yes, Tanner had checked out of his hotel. Not long after, his father texted that Tanner had gotten on his flight.