Page 74 of Begin Again

“Why are you telling me?”

“Because I want you to know you can trust them.” His phone rang in his hand. “It’s Dylan. Hello?”

She heard talking back and forth and then he hung up. “They found the hotel he’s staying at. Dylan is getting off duty now, but he said he’ll meet us there. Just to be around, nothing more.”

“I don’t know that is a good idea,” she said.

“It’s the safe thing to do,” he said. “He won’t let it be known he’s there with us, but he’ll be there if things get out of hand.”

“What do you mean us?” she asked with her hands on her hips.

“You and I are going to that hotel now. We’ll have him called to the lobby and find out what is going on. Dylan can be there and I’ll make sure that Tanner knows you’re not alone. I’m not letting you go in alone.”

“I don’t want to go in alone,” she said.

“Good. Then let’s go.”

They drove the ten minutes to the hotel Tanner was at, went to the front desk and asked if he could be called. The person working hesitated until Dylan walked over in uniform. Dylan never said a word, but the person just assumed they were together and made the call.

“Tell Tanner that Liz is down here to talk to him. I’m his wife,” she said. She hated to say that. “Do you want to see ID?”

“Could I please?” the woman at the counter said. “Just that you are who you say you are. I mean if you’ve got the same last name and all.”

She pulled her ID out and waited. Dylan moved away off to the side to not be seen.

It was twenty minutes later and Tanner came down. She was positive he’d done it because she’d made him wait.

He was pretty vocal about that too. “Be lucky I didn’t make you wait an hour like I had to.”

“What do you want?” she asked.

“Guess you’re smarter than I thought you were to find me,” Tanner said. She didn’t know what she ever saw in him. He hadn’t changed one bit in her eyes. Not in looks and not how he looked at her the last time he saw her.

Like there was this hatred inside of him that was clawing to take it out on her.

“What do you want?” she repeated.

“Who’s that?” Tanner asked, nodding at Christian next to her.

“Her boyfriend.” Christian moved in front of her. He was taller than Tanner by several inches. Had more muscle on him too.

There was no comparison between the two and though Christian had always been mild mannered she was seeing a side of him now that she didn’t know he had.

She wasn’t turned off by it either.

“It didn’t take you long to move on,” Tanner said.

She was losing her patience and wasn’t going to get baited. That was what he wanted.

She could see Dylan out of the corner of her eye, but Tanner hadn’t even glanced that way. She actually felt as safe as she could possibly be.

“I’m going to walk out that door in a minute if you don’t tell me what possessed you to fly all this way. If I’m not returning your calls and you found out where I worked, you could have left a message there for me. You could have done all sorts of things rather than showing up here.”

“I need your signature. I didn’t trust you to do it electronically. I’m here and can get it and go back and get the hell away from you. You can go on with your miserable crazy life without me. Best day of my life was when I came home and saw you gone.”

She wasn’t going to let those words bother her. He’d never change and she knew that.

“Signature for what?” she said. “Our divorce is final. It all went to you. I didn’t contest one damn thing. I left with my own clothes and car. Nothing else.”