Page 49 of Begin Again

“Do you think we will end up on the floor in here again?” she asked. “Or can we at least try to make it up to my bed?”

“Not the floor,” he said. “But I’m not promising we will make it to your room either. That’s a long way off.”

“Deal,” she said. She picked up her purse, locked the door and they left.

“You’re sniffling,” he said thirty minutes later.

“That was beautiful,” she said. He had to admit it was a nice touch that his brother pulled his niece down in a wagon. Then Evan held Grace in his arms up at the altar during the ceremony.

“They are going to dance together for the first dance too,” he whispered to her. They were still in the church, and the ceremony was almost done.

“Awww,” she said.

They were quiet after that, getting through the exchanging of the vows and then driving to the reception.

Somehow they made it through the whole wedding though he couldn’t tell you much of what happened.

They ate food that was good, and he talked to more people than he could count and had no clue what any of those conversations were.

All that he’d thought of was that he wanted to get Liz home and out of this dress that she’d said she needed to remove.

“I didn’t think we were ever going to be able to escape,” he said.

“Me neither,” she said.

They got out of his truck. He’d had two beers the whole time he was there; Liz had three glasses of wine. More than he’d seen her drink before.

“Are you a little tipsy?” he asked when she was struggling to unlock the door. He took the keys from her hand.

“Just a tad bit,” she said, holding up her thumb and finger in front of her face. “But I know what I’m doing. What I want to do.”

“What’s that?” he asked.

“Not make it to the bedroom,” she said. “But the kitchen. It’s such a sexy kitchen. So nice and clean and maybe we need to dirty it up some.”

He laughed at what she said. “Are you sure?” He wasn’t sure he’d ever heard of a kitchen being sexy before, but he wasn’t complaining either.

“Oh yeah,” she said. She grabbed his tie and started to tug him with her that way, then stopped. “Sorry. That felt right in my mind, wrong while doing it. You’re not a dog that needs to be led on a leash. Give me your hand.”

He wasn’t sure what that comment was about. It’s not like she was tugging him, but more like guiding him in his mind.

“Where are we doing this?” he asked.

“The island,” she said. “Where I watched you put it together one night. A night that I told you you didn’t need to do any work here in the house, but you didn’t listen to me. I watched you working. Your T-shirt was fitted to you, your biceps were flexing. It was turning me on. Did you know that?”

“No,” he said. “You should have said something. I would have taken care of you.”

She laughed a little, her hand running down the front of his shirt and slowly undoing the buttons. “I don’t need a man to take care of me. I’ve been doing it myself for a long time.”

He didn’t know if that mean sexually or not. He didn’t want to ask either.

“You do a good job of it too,” he said.

“I do,” she said. “But tonight. I’m going to let you take care of me.”

“Gladly,” he said. His shirt was unbuttoned. He’d left his jacket in his truck where he’d tossed it when they’d left the reception.

His hands grabbed her dress at the waist and yanked it up until it was around her hips. She had black lace panties on and he shoved them down, her kicking them out of the way after they were tangled up in her shoes.