She couldn’t imagine being told as a child not to touch something in the house she grew up in.
“I don’t like it either, but I know enough to not touch things or get my wife’s wrath.” She turned and saw a man walking in from where they came. “I’m Jerry, Marion’s husband. My wife knows I’d like some more color in the house, but it’s stuck to my office. I must say you brighten the room up.”
Daisy smiled. He was being sincere and actually grinning when he made that statement. As if it was all a joke. She didn’t know much about Theo’s stepfather other than he was a nice enough man and they got along. The guy was a pediatrician and most likely mild mannered if he worked with children. And if he had no problem living in a house where it seemed he had no say.
“It’s good to see you, Jerry,” Theo said.
“The same,” Jerry said. “It’s nice to have you all together again. It’s been a while. I told Marion it will be nice to have some grandkids running around here at some point.”
“Just more kids that I’d have to corner in one room and have the cleaning people here to take care of immediately after. I don’t like chaos around me,” Marion said.
“Then you shouldn’t have had kids yourself,” Harmony said. “We know I thrive in chaos. I give my mother fits.”
Daisy forced a smile at Harmony’s joke and hoped to hell the grandkids comment by Jerry wasn’t directed at the two of them. Just a few months of dating and she wasn’t thinking of children. Nor would she want them to come to a place they wouldn’t be allowed to just be… kids.
“Not anytime soon,” Marion almost snapped at her husband. It was a controlled sarcastic response. “This house isn’t set up for children, as I said. You get to see all the kids you want at your job.”
Jerry winked at her. It didn’t seem he was fazed by his wife’s tone or words. “I’ve been hearing that for years. One day there will be some younger ones in here again.”
“You don’t have any children?” she asked. No one had told her and maybe she shouldn’t have brought this up.
“He has one daughter,” Marion said, snorting. “She doesn’t live around here. Jerry is lucky if he sees Caroline once a year and normally he has to go to her.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” she said.
“Caroline doesn’t care for her stepmother,” Erica said smartly. “We heard it enough when she visited when we were younger. Is it any wonder why? She had to wipe her feet and wash her hands before she touched anything too.”
Marion rolled her eyes at Erica. “I expected that out of Harmony, not you.”
“What?” Erica said. “I’m not lying. It’s a fact.”
“My daughter is the same age as Theo and she’s still single,” Jerry said. “But she’s finishing up her fellowships to become a pediatric surgeon. She doesn’t have a lot of free time to come and hasn’t for years, but I understand. We talk weekly via video chats.”
Daisy found that wonderful. “Technology has made communication so much easier now.”
“Can I get anyone a drink?” Marion said. “Erica, go see what is taking Harmony so long to bring in the food. She’s probably in there touching it all after I spent hours getting it ready. Dinner will be in a few hours.”
She moved with Theo over to a loveseat. “Do you want a drink? Maybe some wine?” he asked her.
Daisy started to think she might need it. It wasn’t horrible yet, but she got the impression things could turn with the way Theo’s sisters were cracking jokes and Jerry keeping the peace.
No, she was only kidding herself. This wasn’t comfortable at all and she was positive horrible was getting ready to turn the corner and smack her head on.
“Just a small glass if you’re having one.”
“Oh, I’ll need it,” he said and left her alone to move to the bar on the other side of the room.
“Tell me about yourself, Daisy,” Marion said. “I know you’re a jeweler. I got that much out of my son.”
It was the sarcastic tone again, but she was going to pretend that Marion had a sinus infection that was making her sound nasally and not relax her face. Maybe it was Botox. Yeah, it was better to think that to get through.
“I am one. I moved to Mystic a few years ago when I saw the job opening. It’s such a wonderful place to work and I’ve got the best bosses ever.”
“Isn’t that a great feeling to love your job?” Jerry asked.
“Mom wouldn’t know that,” Harmony said. “She’s never worked.”
The two sisters came in carrying snacks and set them down. They looked as if they were professionally made and arranged.