Page 8 of A Doctor for Daisy

Now only having one mouth to feed and care for, her mother was content doing some customer service job for an insurance company.

She sat in a cubicle and answered questions all day and then got to go home and not worry about work until she punched in for her next shift.

Penny Jones had good insurance, a lot of paid time off, and seemed to have a social life that she’d never had when Daisy lived at home.

There was no jealousy over that either.

“I’m not so sure about that,” Heather said. “If I was smart enough I’d figure out a way to get my parents to go home tomorrow morning rather than say they are going to stay for days while they try to convince me to go with them.”

“Are you going to?” Daisy asked, holding her breath.

“God, no. How could you ever think that?”

“You’re hurt. We do things when we have to rely on others.”

“Not happening,” Heather said.

“Good,” she said firmly. “I’m going to take great care of you. You know that, right?”

“I don’t want to put you out,” Heather said.

“You’re not putting me out,” she argued. “I’m going to prove to your parents you’re fine here with me. It’s selfish on my part. I’ve never lived alone. I’m not sure I could handle it if you were gone for weeks.”

It’d been the truth she’d never lived alone, but she wanted to try to make Heather laugh if she could.

It worked. “I’ll owe you anything you want if you can pull it off,” Heather said. “Just tell me what I need to do to help.”

“Stay firm with your parents,” she said. “You can do it. You’ve done it before. I’ve got your back like I always have.”

“Deal,” Heather said.

Her roommate started to yawn. “You’re tired. I’m going to let you get some sleep. Text me if you need anything. If you wake up scared in the middle of the night and afraid your mother is going to sneak in and drug you and stuff you in the car to bring you home against your will, call me. Text me. Whatever. I’ll rush over in my pajamas and messy hair and fight her off.”

Heather giggled and then winced and put her hand up to her head. “I know you can do it,” Heather said. “You’re the best. Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise.”

“Nope,” she said. “I won’t.”

It was a bond they had and shared. Never let anyone knock them down, even themselves.

Daisy left after that and went home and cried with relief. Then she’d put together a game plan since she knew Heather’s brothers were coming into town too. She had to win everyone over and convince them that she had this.


The Perfect One

“What is this I hear you were irresponsible yesterday? I’m glad to know someone else is getting shit besides me,” Harmony said the next night.

Theo was sitting on the deck looking out at the water in the distance. He loved the house that his father had on the water.

His father still came out to visit now and again but had no problem letting his son live here when he expressed interest in taking the job at Lawrence and Memorial rather than staying in Greenwich or even New Haven. He’d wanted to move further from his mother.

“I get plenty of shit from Mom,” he said. “I’m sure she couldn’t wait to tell you.”

Harmony laughed. He could tell she was on speakerphone as he heard her banging around in the kitchen. He’d just put earbuds in so that people couldn’t hear the noise he might be making, but Harmony had always danced to her own beat and done what she wanted and what was easiest.

“Oh, she was bugging me. Or has been for days and I haven’t replied. I’ve found my center of gravity is more balanced when I have less communication with her.”

He laughed over that sarcastic comment. His mother always said Harmony was a hippie and free spirit and she should be dancing or meditating around crystals. The normal response from his sister was that his mother named her and she was just trying to live up to the moniker, so if their mother didn’t like it, they should have picked another name.