Page 21 of A Doctor for Daisy

“That’s too bad,” she said. She wouldn’t say any more because Heather was giving her the look to not go any further.

When the two of them were in the car and driving back home, Heather said, “You’re a riot. I can’t believe you said that to the nurse.”

“Hey, I think I could have found out more if you’d let me ask.”

“No,” Heather said. “What if she goes back and tells him? I have to see him again, not you.”

“But I want to,” Daisy said. “Not that he’d give me the time of day other than bringing his patient in.”

“Don’t sell yourself short,” Heather said. “I hate when you do that. What have we said about that?”

“I know. I need to stop. But in this case, it’s true. I just wanted to see him again so I’d have some exciting thoughts in my head when I went to sleep tonight. I’m good now.”

“Are you really?” Heather asked. “Because something tells me you’re not.”

“Good enough,” she said. “How about going to dinner? My treat.”

“Can we get takeout?” Heather asked. “I’m afraid I might have wet myself when the saw turned on. I need to check.”

She started to roar with laughter. “Cut it out.”

“No, I’m dry. Except for my back. That is covered in sweat and I do think I stink. How is that?”

She leaned closer to Heather in the car. “Nope, you smell nice like me. Dr. James noticed it.”

“I saw that.”

“Be honest,” she said. “Was he flirting with me? He knows you’re dating Luke. You know that.”

“He does know. I’m not sure if he was flirting or not,” Heather said.

“Yeah. You’re right. I think he might have been trying and it didn’t come off that way.”

“Could be,” Heather said. “What were you talking to him about before you came to see me?”

“Not much. I still had the safety glasses on and handed them back. I said I was so used to wearing them I didn’t think about it. He said they looked better on me than him after he said mine were probably more fashionable.”

“Okay. Now thatdoessound like flirting.”

She didn’t want to get her hopes up. “Yep. Made me feel good for the day. Then he told me where you were and I said maybe I’d see him again, and he said maybe. Nothing more.”

“It’s better than you had this morning,” Heather said.

“That’s right. And I held your hand and you did so well, so we can get the takeout of your choice.”

“How about hot fudge sundaes for dinner? I think I deserve that kind of takeout.”

“Hell yeah,” she said. “We’ll put some meat back on that leg.”

Heather laughed. “If only it was that easy to push it there.”

“You’ll be back to good in no time,” she said. “Just make sure Luke takes it easy the next time you are naked. No chasing you just yet.”

“Don’t be jealous,” Heather said, grinning.

“I can’t help it. Everyone has some hot guy on their arm. But if anyone deserves it, it’s you.”

“Your time will come,” Heather said.