I was tired.
I’d planned on a nice romantic evening, and that had gone to shit with one single phone call.
Eighty-five dollars to have Minnie overnight my present and I didn’t have shit to show for it.
She wasn’t engaged to me. She wasn’t wearing my patch. She wasn’t even fucking awake anymore for me to ask.
“He’s had a little over five hours since he called Colton. Colton gave him every checkpoint road in between here and the Louisiana line he could remember. That won’t matter, though. He’s on his way. I can feel it in my bones. This is all just a sick fucking game to him,” I told them.
Silas stood, removed the Glock he kept at his hip at all times, and checked the chamber out of habit.
The sound of the slide sliding back, and the magazine being released and then re-loaded was a calming sound that soothed me down to my very core.
“Well then, we’ll just have to beat him at his own game,” Silas confirmed as he sighted down the barrel of his Glock, flipped the safety back on, and holstered it.
“This is bad news. I don’t want this shit on my doorstep. I still have to live here after you’re gone,” my stepfather growled at Silas.
The two older men were snarling and snapping at each other like they were old junkyard dogs fighting over the same bone. Or in this case, the jurisdiction.
“This is federal. It’s crossed over state lines. It’s always going to be federal,” Silas snapped.
“It ain’t federal. You don’t know if he’s coming or not. I’m chief of police in this town, not you. You’ve got no recourse yet. No crime, no claim,” Zeth barked back.
Jesus Christ.
“Y’all need to stop fucking around and figure this shit out. There’s a fucking psychopath on the way here, and y’all old biddies are too busy chirping at each other rather than planning to get the job done. Get the fuck over it, or get the fuck out,” Cleo said calmly.
Cleo was probably the only one who could say that to Silas and not get his teeth handed back to him. Via his asshole.
However, Cleo was very calm; it took a lot to get him riled.
Like now, for instance, he was standing rather than sitting.
Which was big for him, considering he barely ever looked anything but relaxed and at ease.
Adrenaline junkies did it that way. Calm through the storm. They had to be.
That was why he was a damn good flight medic.
It took a lot of balls to do what he did.
“Thank God somebody said it,” Parker mumbled to himself.
Sterling seconded his comment with a grunt.
“Fine. Just don’t get in my way and I’ll be happy,” Silas growled.
“How about you don’t get in mine,” Zeth snarled back.
Here we go again.
We were at the precinct while a couple of Zeth’s most trusted deputies were watching the house. One from the water and the other from the front of the house.
We were all down at the station formulating a course of action. However, it didn’t seem to be going anywhere because the two old men couldn’t seem to pull their heads out and work together.
I did get the answer to a long time question, though.