Cleo, Sterling, and Parker will be riding with us. Plus, you said you wanted to say goodbye to your dad before we left,” I explained.
Parker and Sterling had to meet back in Florida to get back to base within the next week anyway, so it was no skin off their nose to head back with me to act as added protection.
Cleo was going because he was amused by Channing, despite only knowing her for a short period of time.
Stripping off my shirt, I tossed it to the floor, and followed it up with my boots, pants, and underwear.
“What,” Channing cleared her throat. “What are you doing?”
I stared at her still clothed body. “Taking a shower. Want to join me?”
Not waiting for her answer, I shucked my underwear and walked towards the bathroom.
The safe house was simple in design. A kitchen. A living room. A bedroom, and a bathroom. Nothing more, nothing less.
It was in the middle of nowhere on twelve acres of land.
The floor was made of wood, and the walls were made of faux wood.
It was constructed on a budget, but it did its job by providing shelter from the elements.
The roof was tin, and with the light rain that was coming down, it sounded heavenly.
Getting to the bathroom, I turned on the water and stepped inside without waiting for it to warm.
The cool water hit me on the chest, and made my balls crawl up tight to my body, but I relished in the cool temperature.
I always took cold showers. Earlier in life, it was because my mom couldn’t afford a water heater. Over time, it became a habit. So much so that I rarely ever turned on the hot water if it was just me. Even rarer was for me to be in the shower with someone.
Hence why Channing shrieked when she stepped into the shower.
Her nipples beaded into tight turgid points as the water spread over her back and shoulders. Goosebumps pebbled her flesh, spreading from her shoulders all the way down.
“Holy shit,” she gasped. “What’s the deal? They don’t have hot water here?”
I reached forward, pressing my body against hers, and cranked the hot water until it was fully on.
Her body felt so right today, and her hips softer, almost fuller.
Her belly pressed into my abs, a small, hardened pooch there now, where before there was only softness.
Then my concentration was stolen from her stomach, to her breasts that seemed to have grown double overnight.
Hot water started to cascade down the both of us, seeping between our bodies, and pooling in the places where there was no distance between the two of us. For instance, the valley of her breasts was gathering a pool of water, held only by the press of our bodies.
Reaching forward again, I grabbed the soap and started running it along the length of her back, letting the solid bar of Dial slip and slide along her smooth skin.
She groaned and let her head fall until it was resting on my shoulder, jostling me and causing a twinge of pain to radiate through my arm.
She caught the flinch, and backed off immediately. “Oh, God. I’m sorry. Are you okay?”
When I’d gone to the hospital, I hadn’t been in nearly as much pain as I was now, which meant the lovely pain meds they’d given me were wearing off.
By the time the whole fiasco and subsequent recounting of the events was said and done, I’d been taken to the hospital where they’d cleaned the bullet wound that went through my lower forearm.
Luckily, the bullet had entered my arm and traveled directly in between the ulna and radius. Now it just hurt like a bitch. If that hadn’t happened, I would have required surgery.
“You weren’t supposed to get that wet,” Channing chided.