Page 99 of Keys To My Cuffs

I wiped the corner of my mouth with my hand as I listened to the Hispanic young man read his verdict. “We the jury found the defendant, Mick Hennessey, guilty of...”

He listed off a list of crimes, the worst one being the murder of my brother.

After the court adjourned, I walked hand in hand with Loki outside.

“That was quite a look Mick gave you as we were leaving,” I observed.

“Yeah, he’s pissed at me. I got everything he wanted. You. My stepfather. A family. My job. The respect of my club. He’s got nothing. And prison isn’t going to be very nice to him. Prisoners don’t have a lot of love for cops...ex-cops or not,” he said as he held my arm firmly, helping me descend the steps.

“Serves him right,” I said.

“Here, here,” Silas said from my opposite side.

“Karma’s a bitch,” Loki agreed.

Chapter 21

Keep calm and come sit on my dick.

-Loki to Channing


Two and a half months later

I walked with Brittany up the steps of the police station.

Hesitation nowhere in my steps.

I’d really come a long way in a year.

Just a short time ago, I’d have never been able to go near the steps. Now I was preparing to walk inside. I’d even made a batch of cookies for them.

All because of my soon to be husband.

“Do you want me to paint your toes?” Brittany asked.

I looked down at my toes. Or I would’ve if I could have seen them, that is.

“Do they need painting?” I questioned her.

Brittany snorted. “No, of course not.”

I shot her a sideways glare as we walked up the never ending steps.

Okay, maybe there were only eight, but I was carrying around a wide load now-a-days. Eight steps was a lot.

I’d really packed on the weightin the last three months. I’d gained nearly forty five pounds.

Although Loki said he didn’t care, I knew the truth.

He thought my ass was fat.

“You gonna make it?” Brittany asked worriedly.

I looked at her, and continued up the last two steps.

“Yeah,” I huffed.