Page 91 of Keys To My Cuffs

“Did you search them?” Mick asked.

The man nodded. “Took their guns. They had one each.”

Rookie mistake.

I knew for a fact that my stepfather carried one gun on his hip, and one on his ankle. I’d learned a lot from the man in that way, which was why I still had the gun at my own ankle, too.

I was just waiting for more information on how many more men there were; however, now that I knew that three of us weren’t locked up and/or being contained, I had a little more wiggle room.

That was good, too, because I couldn’t stay here much longer without getting to Channing.

I wasn’t stupid though. There could be a hundred men outside. If I were to take out Mick, they could all pour through the door, and I’d never make it to her.

I waited.

He’d make a mistake here soon, and I’d take advantage. Take him down quietly.

No fuss meant no men checking up on it.

“What’s that look for, Rector?” Mick asked uncertainly.

I hadn’t realized I’d been smiling, but I quickly wiped the smile off my face and stared at him blankly.

It wouldn’t do to give away my hand just yet.

I had to find out where the other three men were.

Then all bets were off.

Or they would’ve been, if Channing’s stupid brother hadn’t come in guns blazing.

“You stupid fuck! You said you wouldn’t hurt my sister!” Andrew yelled.

He’d obviously never handled a gun before, either.

Because he was holding it like the old school gangsters on TV with the barrel turned sideways and held above his head.

He kept jabbing the gun in Mick’s direction, slinging insults all the while Mick stared at him drolly.

“You done?” Mick asked once Andrew paused to take a breath.

His gun hand was shaking, showing his obvious discomfort with the situation.

I knew where this was heading, but the two of them were advancing on each other, booking no room for arguments or interruptions.

“No, you stupid prick. You said if I brought Varian here, you’d leave my sister alone.You said you only wanted him,” he gestured towards me with the gun.

I froze, afraid if I made any sudden moves it’d set Andrew off, and then he’d start shooting.

“You knew what you were signing up for. Don’t act all emotional now. You know,” Mick said turning his back on Andrew. “Bryce, did you know that Andrew was the one who set up your precious little woman all those years ago?”

I looked at him, confused.

“What?” I asked.

“No!” Andrew screamed.

Spit flew out of his mouth, and his eyes, which had already looked squirrely, turned positively manic.