Page 28 of Keys To My Cuffs

Now I only hoped she’d listen.

Chapter 7

I’m not weird. I’m a limited edition.



I walked into my house completely numb.

Would he be there? Or would he not show.

Forgoing the lights, I tossed my bag onto the couch and kicked off my shoes at the corner of the hallway.

My money was on himnotshowing.

I was afraid that if I let myself hope, that I’d be crushed just like the last time.

Cautiously, I walked towards my bedroom.

I was nearly there when a deep, resonating voice called out from behind me. “Your door is broken.”

I squeaked and turned to find him behind me and staring at me accusingly. Or at least what I could see of him.

Mostly, I could only make out his face and that he was wearing dark clothing.

“Yes, I know it is. That’s why I had that foundation guy come out. My back door stopped closing over five months ago. Now I just have one of those hook and eye locks that you lock from the inside.

He growled low in his throat. “Why didn’t you get the foundation fixed, then?”

My back straightened and I glared at him. “Because I don’t have the money,” I snapped.

His head tilted. “Well, what the hell is your brother doing? Can’t he help?”

My eyes narrowed on him, and I stalked towards him with purposeful steps. With one pointy finger, I started to poke him in the chest. “First of all, my brother no longer lives here. Which you would know if you’d bothered coming around in the pastlongmonths. Secondly, I’m doing the best that I can. The foundation will come once I can afford to pay more than my bills. Thirdly, did I give you permission to walk through my house and snoop?”

I could almost hear his teeth grinding together. “No, but I had to let Lucy out. What’d you want me to do, let him out the window when he needed to go?”

My eyes narrowed on him. “You had some chick in my house?”

I hadn’t meant it to come out quite so screechy, but there it was.

His mouth turned up in the corner, and I swung my elbow around, knocking him in the chest.

He didn’t move. Not even a single millimeter, and that pissed me off even more.

“Get out of my house if you’re going to make fun of me,” I snarled.

I saw his hands come up in the darkness in a placating gesture.

“Calm down. Lucy’s my dog. Lucifer. Lucy for short,” he told me.

You know those times when someone tells you to calm down, and you calm down? Yeah, me neither.

“You know what, fuck you. I’m not un-calm!” I yelled.

His little lip tilt turned into a full-blown smile, and he started walking towards me. I, of course, started retreating. That is, until my back met the wall of the back hallway, and I could go no further.