She started coming, throwing her head back, locking his legs with hers as the sinful pulses ripped through her core.

He groaned with pleasure, twitching inside her, coming too.

Suddenly, she felt something on her tongue. A drop of blood from his finger. She clamped her mouth around his finger and swallowed.

Her breathing slowed.

Her heart slowed.

Maxton withdrew his finger and kissed her again, tenderly lingering on her lips while he slowly pumped his cock in and out.

“Don’t stop, Maxton,” she muttered. She felt like she was floating in the sky. With a big dick between her legs. “This is definitely the way to be turned.”

The room faded to black.


Damien called Cimil several times throughout the day, but she was nowhere to be found. Honestly, he was beginning to worry. After his conversation with Votan, Damien didn’t know if the goddess had been taken or went into hiding.

Was her ultimatum still valid?

Just before midnight, Damien got a text to come outside his house. Strange because he didn’t recognize the number.

He went out the front door and found Cimil behind the wheel of a white RV.

She honked the horn and waved him over.

Was this a trap? Did she know he’d gone to Votan for assistance?Only one way to find out.

He walked over and entered the RV through the side door. Cimil hopped out of the driver’s seat.

“What is this place?” he asked, inspecting all of the lab equipment. At the far end, toward the back, was something resembling a tanning bed.

“Come and see this. You’re going to love it.” Cimil clapped excitedly.

He followed her over to the machine. “What does it do?”

“What doesn’t it do? Now, get in, tailor.”

“No.” He stepped back.

“Look, cupcake, I don’t have a lot of time here. ’Kay? This contraption is going to clean you up, spic and span, from the tippy top of your head down to your wiggly man toes.”

“I have six showers. And a pool. I do not need help getting clean.” Damien took another step back.

“Not that sort of clean.” She poked his chest. “The sort of clean you’ve been wanting your entire life.”

Hold on here. Do not get inside, brother. I sense she is up to something.

His beast was panicking like a wild animal bucking inside a cage. “Cimil, tell me what this is.”

“This device will extract your beast.”

“Excuse me?” Was she serious?

“Your beast. I’m going to remove it,” Cimil said.

Do not do it! She means to kill me, brother!