“Well, yes. I suppose,” Maxton said.

“And I bet he liked the taste of the rotten apples, like any normal vampire would. Just as nature intended.” It was simply a fact that bad people tasted better.

“I do not know what nature intended, but yes,” Maxton replied. “Stewart was shown the culinary delights of dining on evil mortals.”

“See. There you go. You taught him how to be a good vampire, and he still chose to be a dirty, murderous piece of shit. That’s on him, Maxton. Not you.” MF exhaled, trying to let it all sink in. Maxton had made the vampire who changed her life. Even stranger was that she’d been turned by Maxton’s progeny, which meant she’d once belonged to Maxton’s bloodline.Whoa. Is that why I feel so connected to him?

“I’m so sorry about your family. I really am.” She sighed.

“And I am sorry about yours.” Maxton looked away, flustered.

“Thanks, but why are you here? With him?” She glanced at Stewart, noting how small and pathetic he looked. In her mind, she’d built him up to be a ten-foot-tall monster with great powers.He’s just a slimy little man.

“First, I intend to dismember Stewart in your honor,” Maxton replied. “Then I plan to…” His voice faded. Maxton blinked and then blinked some more, like he was trying to figure something out. “From there, I will leave it up to you.” His green eyes locked on her face.

“Leave what?”

“Regardless of Stewart, I have done plenty to deserve living in a damp muddy cave for eternity. But you are a good woman, MF. You remind me of my Lou Ellen, my first and only true friend. And if she were here today, I know she would tell me two things: One, to forgive myself, which will never happen. And two, to seek redemption. This I can do. So, if your destiny is to become a vampire, then I am obligated to put aside my life and ensure you are the best damned vampire ever. Good people make good vampires. Great people make really great vampires.”

MF gasped. That was exactly how she felt!

Maxton went on, “If I want to truly pay penance for my actions, it is not enough to sit in the jungle—sweating, getting dirty, eating tiny innocent animals day after day. I must go where I’m needed. I must support you, MF—a shining example of all things good.”

Her eyes teared. Suddenly, deep in her heart, she knew she hadn’t made a mistake. He was the one. Agoodone, too.

“Do you still wish to be turned?” he asked.

MF looked at her watch. It was almost midnight. “What about Cimil’s list?”

“If I am to be by your side, becoming mortal defeats the purpose.” Maxton glanced at Stewart. “As for him, you will need a hearty meal once you wake a vampire. He will be quite tasty. Better than the gross food from the gross store.”

MF smiled.


MF felt like her insides were unraveling with excitement, fear, and all the things that came with ending one’s life and beginning another.Talk about a roller coaster.

This morning she had been in love, ready to go all in. By midday she had been heartbroken and accepted the fact she’d never get the chance to do right by her parents. Now, at nearly midnight, Maxton had proven her wrong about everything.

The weirdest part was when she sat in front of her family’s graves today, sobbing uncontrollably about being such a letdown, MF could’ve sworn something poked her in the ass, as if to say, “Get up, girl. You have work to do.”

Maxton emerged from the shower with a towel around his waist, his prominent pecs and sex-pack glistening with water.

Damn. What I wouldn’t give to wash my panties on his washboard abs.Of course, she’d still be wearing said panties.

Sitting on her bed in just her black robe, MF swallowed a lump in her throat. “How are you feeling?” He was about to turn her. Was he excited, too?

“I feel incredible. These modern showers are a marvel after centuries of bathing in a muddy river filled with leaches and piranha. And these pomades for the hair and your soap? I have never felt my exterior so well moisturized.”

MF grinned. So the vampire liked showers, natural conditioner, and very nice suits—all things she could make happen.Just wait until he sees my sewing.She could construct a tux like no other.

“Are you ready?” Maxton asked, tossing back his wet hair.

She nodded. “A little nervous, but yeah.”

He sat next to her on the bed. “You know you do not have to become a vampire again in order to be magnificent. That goal has already been achieved.”

She smiled, staring into his glittering eyes. “Thank you. But I want to do this.” There was so much to do and so little time as a human. “Go on then.” She tilted her head, brushing her long hair to one side.