“Maxton? Are you all right? Can I get you anything? I don’t know what to do. I’ve never seen this happ—”
Maxton doubled over again, launching red meaty chunks from his mouth.
“Oh, wow.” MF looked away. “Was that your entire stomach that just came out? I’m so sorry. I had no idea you’d get this—”
“Grrr…” Maxton stood, his eyes black and a snarl on his bloody mouth.
Was he about to turn into unstoppable killer Maxton?Oh, shit.The demons were asleep in the car.
“Maxton,” MF held out her hands, “you’re going to have to calm down. Let’s just get you to the car, okay? Then I can give you a refill, and you’ll feel much better.”
“Grrr…” His eyes whipped to the arcade a few yards away, opposite them. It was fairly busy.
And he looks hangry.
He zipped away from her.
Where’d he go?She turned her head to find his silhouette in the arcade’s doorway.
“Maxton! No!” She bolted, her arms pumping and legs moving far too slowly to compete with a vampire’s speed. “Stay right there!” She was almost to him just as he disappeared inside.
“Shit! Shit!Shit!” She needed Damien, but by the time he got here, the entire park would be dead.
MF rushed past a group of teens trying to win a prize from the claw machine. She hung a right down another row of retro arcade games, glancing atPac-Man. At this moment, that was probably Maxton, mowing down rows of unsuspecting humans. Chomp, chomp, chomp!
“Maxton! Whatever the fuck you’re doing right now, you’d better…” MF turned the next corner by the air hockey and froze. Maxton was standing there holding up some kid by the neck with his left hand while looking at another kid in his right hand.
“Fuck!” MF charged, tackling Maxton and sacking his ass to the ground. He must’ve not seen her coming because he probably outweighed her by fifty or sixty pounds.
Maxton hit the concrete floor with athump!He released the two children, who immediately began screaming bloody murder.
Good choice. Run, you little boogers! Run!
Now on top of Maxton, MF knew she only had a fraction of a second to get through to him.
“Snap out of it!” MF raised her arm and backhanded him across the cheek. “Ow!” That hurt. His face was solid granite.Think, MF! Think!
She stared at his lips, transfixed by their glossy sheen. She leaned over and pressed her mouth to his.
He didn’t move—a very good thing. MF kept her mouth to his for a moment more, unable to resist twisting her neck to the side a little. His lips were surprisingly soft. She’d give him some tongue, but in his state, he might bite it off. Instead, she broke away and pushed her neck to his mouth.
Before she could take one breath, he latched on, cupping the back of her head.
“Eww! They’re making out,” said someone in the background.
MF didn’t care who was watching or that they only had a few seconds to blow this pop stand before security showed up.
Maxton’s mouth worked over the bite, sucking and massaging.
Oh God. That feels so good.She pressed her hands to the floor on either side of his head and relaxed into it.
First came the tickle, then the throbbing, and then…pounding.Boom!
“Yes. Yes!” she cried out, feeling the valley between her legs pulse with erotic waves as she straddled him. It was better than any sex she’d ever had, though if Maxton offered to bed her right here and now, she’d take it. He was incredible with that mouth.
Imagine what the rest of him is capable of!
Maxton broke away from her neck, licking his lips.