“I really did try to kill him,” I say. “I wanted him to die.”

“Don’t say that, son…”

“He took away the only thing I had left to live for.” I shrug. “I won’t lie on a stand about being sorry.”

“Easton, listen to me.”

“Thank you for the update on Scarlett and Tully,” I say. “If you ever want to talk about anything else, write to me from here on out, okay? I don’t want anyone visiting me in prison.”

“Easton, wait.”

“Guard!” I hang up the phone and stand to my feet.

“Easton, wait!”

The guard unlocks the door that leads back to the jail and I walk away.


Two Months later

Dear Mother,

We took you off our approved visitors’ list today.

Our lives are not content, and we’re worth son much more than likes, comments, and clicks.

We will call you when we wish to see you, and you are not allowed to bring your cell phone anywhere near us because we don’t trust you.

The university is allowing us to defer our scholarships until we’re ready to return, so we plan to move in to a house together for awhile.

Please respect our wishes & tell Dad to expect a similar letter soon (if he’s not too busy with his mistress, that is)


Tully & Scarlett

Ienclose the letter into an envelope and secure a stamp onto its front. There are several more letters I have to send on behalf of my sister, but there’s one I can no longer ignore…


Dear Easton,

All this time, all this fucking time, I guess I was always meant to be collateral damage, a means to an end so you could move on in life with my sister.


If she dies, I want you to know that you'll have just as much blood on your hands as that reckless drunk driver since we were arguing about you seconds before the crash.

I don’t know why I'm even writing you this letter.


Dear Tully,

First, it's good to hear from you and nice to know that Scarlett is still on this side of the ground.

Second, I'm sorry if I made you feel you were collateral damage.