“You don’t have any friends.” I cut her off. “I’m sure they have a completely different story as to why that is, because I don’t believe your version at all.”

“Mark my words.” She moves closer to me. “You're in for a world of hurt.”

“That's fitting since no one has ever hurt me as much as you.”

“Whatever.” She scoffs. “What exactly do you expect to happen once you're supposedlywithmy boyfriend?”

“I literally just told you.”

“Oh, okay.” She crosses her arms. “You don’t think people are going to be the slightest bit confused when my twin sister is with my boyfriend?”

“Ex-boyfriend,” I say. “I don’t care what other people think.”

“You say that now, but you know what? Since we're sharing hurtful-ass secrets, you want to know something I’ve been keeping from you?”


“Tough shit.” She looks into my eyes. “Regardless of what you said about not thinking he was your type, I knew youlikedEaston. I saw the way you looked at him on the bleachers during our sophomore and junior years, and I snuck into your room one night and flipped through your little stationery trunk…”

My blood suddenly runs cold.

“I read all those dumbass letters you write, but never send to people, and I read all about how you wished you had the courage to tell him you were into him, that despite your differences, you felt something whenever he was around.” She pauses. “I made my move on him the next day, and just so you know, I had his cock in my mouth first…Your getting my sloppy seconds.”

I suck in a breath and try to remain stoic, but it's impossible.

Her words have cut me to the bone. “Is that all you have to say?”

“No.” She shakes her head. “I wish I would’ve told you that sooner...Ihateyou, Scarlett.”

“I hate you too, Tully.”

We stare at each other, teary eyed and numb, our hearts bloodied and bruised, our minds spinning in ways we don’t bother to explain.

She walks to the car first, and I follow.

Without speaking another word, she cranks the engine and drives toward campus.

I stare straight ahead, wondering if we’ll ever speak again after tonight.

As she’s rounding the corner that leads into our county, a pair of blinding headlights shine a little too close to our car.

And they keep getting closer…


I hear the crash before I realize I’m a part of it.

Something white hits my face as our car careens and spins out of control.

We both scream as the windshield shatters, as shards of glass fly everywhere.

Smoke and flames are all I can see in front of us, and in the distance I can hear someone yelling.

What was that?

I hear more screams, and then a loud whistling sound.

Still in shock, I look to my left and notice two red and white sticks moving down.