Slipping into my room, I flop onto my bed and call Kevin.

“I don’t answer my phone for Southern bumpkins anymore,” he answers on the first ring. “I’ve moved on to more sophisticated pastures.”

“I love you, too.” I laugh. “You have no reason to be at the University of Pittsburgh this fall. You should be here with me.”

“Nah, it’s nice to finally be someplace where every stranger doesn’t want to talk about college football or randomly say—”

“Roll Tide!”

“Don’t make me hang up on you.”

“I was hoping you’d hate Pittsburgh the day you arrived and come running back here,” I say. “You actually like it, though?”

“Iloveit,” he says. “You have to come see me on winter break so I can show you how many bridges they’ve squeezed into this city.”

“I’ll think about coming.” I smile. “Tell me about the campus.”

I lay back and shut my eyes as he paints pictures of a place that seems too good to be true, but before I know it, his new friends are begging him to go to someplace called Primanti Brothers, so we say our goodbyes and vow to talk later.

I pull a blanket over my chest and put on my headphones.

Staring at the ceiling, I contemplate the pros and cons of giving in and going to that pizza party, but a sound I haven’t heard in months suddenly interrupts my thoughts.

Tap! Tap! Tappp!

Certain I’ve imagined it, I turn up my music, but the tapping sound comes again.

I sit up and look over at my window.


I walk over to the pane, feeling my heart race at the sight of him dressed in a muscle shirt and jeans.

He motions for me to push up the pane and I quickly oblige.

“Hi…” I say. “How did you know I was here?”

He steps closer, reaching out and running his fingers through my hair.

“Better yet,” I say, “How did you find out what dorm building I was in? I haven’t told you yet.”

“You didn’t have to.” He smiles and my heart skips a beat. “I could’ve sworn you told me that you weren’t coming back until this weekend, though. Didn’t you tell me that?”

“I can’t remember.”

“Clearly. Well, imagine how surprised I was to see you walking in the food court earlier…” He’s still smiling, making me realize the view I’ve missed all spring and summer. “I had to sit there and listen to some of my new teammates talk about what’s mine, and I’m quite disappointed that you lied to me.”

“Are you planning to come inside my room or stand out there and preach to me?”

“It’s bad enough that I haven’t seen you in months,” he says, still talking, “but when I think about the fact that I’ve also suffered every night without you and you denied me when you got here, I’m not sure how to feel.”

“Okay, Easton.” I grab the edge of the pane, playfully shutting it.

Laughing, he pushes it open with ease and climbs inside my bedroom.

Without saying a word, he walks over to my door and locks it.

"What are you doing?" I ask.