If you only had one month to live, which of these best defines how you would spend your final moments?
A)Live in denial like nothing is happening and keep the news about your inevitable death to yourself.
B)Take out your bucket list and rally friends & family who will help you accomplish things before your time runs out.
C)Contact everyone you know and make sure they know how much you love them.
Any of the above.
You’re dying. You can’t afford to be indecisive anymore.
The stifling heat sifts through the open cab windows, welcoming me back to the South. My grey halter top is sticking to my skin, and the fresh red welts on my ankles are courtesy of hungry mosquitos.
Home sweet home.
“You a freshman at ‘Bama?” The driver looks at me through the rearview mirror. “Or are you returning?”
“It’s my first year.”
“Well, let me tell you—” He smiles. “A pretty girl like you should keep her options wide open until you graduate. My sons go there, and although they’re smart as hell and will probably earn enough to take care of me someday, all they do is go to fraternity parties and screw around outside of class.”
“Um, okay…I’ll keep that in mind.”
“You should.” He stops at a red light. “Focus on the books and nothing else. Well, books and football. You can always make room for football.”
I notice a grey “Roll Tide!” elephant hanging from his rearview mirror.
“I take it that you’re a fan?” I ask.
“I’ve been rolling the tide since I was five years old.” He beams. “With that boy Easton Rush as our quarterback this season, we’re going all the way this year and next. Have you ever seen him play?”
“A few times…”
“Oh man, I bought a few tickets to his high school games just to see if all the hype was real. I was on pins and needles, hoping the rumors about him coming here to play for us were true and…”
I tune out his words and smile, nodding along.
I told Easton I was coming into town Friday, not today. I’d planned to surprise him by showing up to his dorm a few days early, but my heart made the decision before my brain could run through the logistics.
The moment I made it to baggage claim, I spotted huge banners that featured Alabama’s five-star offensive line, with Easton standing and smiling at the center.
I knew then that I’d made a mistake.
Crimson-colored jerseys that bore his name and number filled every gift shop I passed, and the excitement for the massive industry of college football was as palpable as the humidity.
He’ll be even busier now than he was before.
I highly doubted that the most popular athlete on campus—Hell, the most popular athletein this state—would be able to go anywhere with any girl who wasn’t Tully without arousing rumors and suspicion.