Scarlett looks sexy as hell in the bleachers this afternoon, even though she scowls every time I glance her way.

My nights without her have been completely unbearable, and I hate knowing that I have to look forward to another one.

I’m not ready to make nice yet…

“Easton!” Coach calls my name.

“Yeah, Coach?”

“Do you know what you’ve accomplished at this practice today?”


“Me neither.” He glares at me. “You’re unfocused and you need to go home.”


“Go home, Easton.” He shakes his head. “I can’t afford for whatever the fuck in going on in your brain to spread to your teammates.”

I unbuckle my helmet and jog off the field. I grab my bag and notice twenty seven missed calls from a number I always hate to see,

Sighing, I wait until I’m in my car before calling it back.

“Red Roof Casino and Mini Resort,” a familiar deep voice says. “This is the manager, Jeff, speaking. How may I help you this afternoon?”

“It’s Easton, Mr. Jeff. I’m just returning your call.”

“It’s your dad again, son. I need you to come get him as soon as possible.”

“Do I need to bring him a change of clothes?”

“Not this time.” He sighs. “Just come get him out of my casino.”

“I’m on my way.”

* * *

I waveto the security guard once I pull into the casino’s parking lot.

“Where is he, Redmond?”

“Fifth floor, Blackjack tables. Take the east elevator.”

“Thank you.”

I take the elevator and hold back a breath as it rises floor by floor. I also mentally thank the casino manager for never letting my father’s true colors bleed into the local press.

When the doors glide open, I anticipate seeing him in his usual state: sweaty and slumped over in a chair, but he looks good today.

I smile, prepared to ask if this is his attempt at telling me he’s trying to get sober, but then I notice the sea of navy blue and red balloons behind him. The banner that reads “Congratulations, Easton! Courtesy of Ole Miss.”

What the fuck has he done?

My father rushes over to me, and a photographer snaps a picture of us.

“What is this, Dad?”