Ihaveto go to England in January.

My heart won’t survive otherwise.



When I pull into Scarlett’s driveway the following morning, she’s standing over a bike and buckling a helmet.

“Scarlett?” I roll down the window. “You’re more than welcome to ride with us this morning.”

She doesn’t look at me.

“We can skip first period to grab a coffee and talk.”

“I’ll pass.” She picks up her backpack. ‘Thank you, though.”

I start to get out of the car, but Tully steps onto the front porch.

“Scarlett—” I keep my voice firm. “I would really prefer it if you got in my car and rode to school with me this morning.”

“I’ll still pass. Thanks.”

I glare at her, waiting for her to look my way, but she doesn’t cave in the slightest.

“Come on, Easton.” Tully slides into the passenger seat. “We need to get our morning coffee and post it as soon as possible.”

Scarlett grabs onto the handle bars and pedals away without another word.

* * *

I knockon her window later that night, but there’s no answer.

I know she’s in there, so I tap harder.

Still no answer.

She walks into the room and shuts the curtains, so I climb down the brackets and head to the front door.

“Hey there, Easton.” Mr. Crane smiles, ushering me inside. “Are you here to help us with another one of Tully’s projects?”

“Not this time.”

“Well, we need more tape.” Their mom groans. “And I just broke my second ruler of the night.”

“I’ll run to the store and get it for you.” Scarlett is suddenly on the steps.

“Go with her, Easton,” Mrs. Crane says. “Keep her from wandering down the book aisle and reading until the store closes.”

“I’ll come right back, Dad, I swear.” Scarlett protests.

“I know. Hence why Easton will make sure of that.” He shoos her away, and I try not to grab her waist and kiss some sense into her as we leave.