“That’s exactly what you want me to think, isn’t it?”
“It’s the truth.”
“The truth you want me to believe…” He smiles, but it quickly fades from his lips. “You know that this situation is going to end horribly for you, right?”
“No,” I say. “It just won’t be a typical ‘happily ever after,’ that’s all.”
“You’ll be lucky to get a ‘happy for now’ ending, Scarlett,” he says. “These type of things always end in utter tragedy.”
“I can think of plenty of similar situations where everything worked out.”
“Give me one.”
“I…” I have nothing.
He has a point.
“Okay, here’s an easy hypothetical question,” I say to Scarlett over the phone. “If the love of your life gets severely injured and the doctors say he won’t live for much longer, what do you do?
“I want to answer a less morbid question.”
“A,” I continue anyway, “Stay by his side until he dies, and never love another. B. Tell him goodbye and move on with your life. C. Spend time looking for doctors who can give you a second opinion and save his life.”
“B,” she says.
“Because I can still have option A.” She laughs. “I’ll tell him goodbye but still stay by his side, and I’ll be forced to move on, but I’ll never love another.”
“You’re really bad at these, Scarlett.”
“I’m better than I was last year.” She’s still laughing. “Why did you rush to leave my room just to call me an hour later?”
“My dad called,” I say.
“Same issue as usual?”
“Your sister said something about me needing to come over earlier than usual this morning, so I’ll see you soon.”
“Okay. See you soon.”
I end the call and step out of my car.
My Dad is stumbling out of an all-day coffee shop, and I can smell the stench of alcohol on him from here.
He moves toward the driver’s side and motions for me to throw him the car keys.
“No, thanks.” I roll my eyes. “You can’t call me to come get youanddrive my car. Get on the passenger side.”
“I bought you this damn car, son. Give me the keys.”