You’re not at Kevin’s, so where are you?

Scarlett…??? Why are you avoiding me?



Dear Soledad Jones,

The real reason I stopped letting you borrow my paperback novels is because you dog-eared the pages and wrote notes along the marginsin pen. I cried each time you returned one to me in this condition, and I hope for your next book buddy’s sake, that you’ve learned to do better. It’s also not too late to atone for your crimes…

Wish I Would’ve Told You,


Tully’s house parties are legendary.

Even I can’t deny it.

She always insists on a grandiose theme, and her friends work like crazy to bring it to life.

Last year’s Hawaiian luau featured handmade leis with silk flowers, a tiki bar, and giant sparkling orbs that floated in our pool. If the floating clouds that hang from every inch of our ceiling tonight are any indication, this year’s “Sinners & Saints” party will be even more memorable.

“Do you think someone will spank me tonight?” Kevin asks, pulling on his devil’s tail.

“Doubt it, but I hope someone grabs one of your horns and hurts you with it.”

“I’d love that.” He laughs and hands me a string of lights. “You still haven’t told me how things are going with Jeremiah. What did y’all talk about on the phone this week?”

“We haven’t had the time,” I say. “Something always comes up so I have to cancel it.”

“Something comes up like a hot college guy asking you out?”

“No, Kevin.”

“That’s the only acceptable excuse for not jumping into Jeremiah’s arms,” he says. “And that better be why you’ve been slightly mopey these past few days.”

“Yeah, kinda…” I swallow a lump of guilt. I’ve wanted to tell Kevin about Easton for a long time, but something always holds me back.

“There you are, Scarlett.” Jessica Reid, Tully’s best friend, steps into the doorway dressed in a sparkling white angel costume. “How are you doing tonight?”

“She’s fine.” Kevin speaks for me. “She doesn’t speak the demonic language, so I’ll translate whatever the hell you came here for.”

She rolls her eyes. “I really like your black devil costume,” she says to me. “The thigh-high boots are amazing, too.”

Her compliments are never free so I don’t pay her a thanks.

Instead, I cross my arms.

“When I bought this angel one, I thought I was doing the right thing since we havea tonof pictures planned by the clouds near your pool. I mean, a devil in heaven. That was the contrast I thought we were going for.”

“Okay, Satan.” Kevin looks as confused as I am. “Where are you going with this speech?”

“This party will affect Tully’s high school legacy for years to come.”

“Um, no…” I shake my head. “It’s really not that serious.”

“I misread the group email, and I’m the only cheerleader dressed as an angel, so since you and I are the same size, I was hoping we could switch.” She rambles. “Besides, you wearing black is so fucking cliche at this point and it wouldn’t kill you to wear something different for a change.”