“Well…” My father downs the last bite of his waffle and stands to his feet. “I know I’m not her, but Happy Birthday son. I’ve got to get my rehab meeting. I’m one hundred percent sober now, you know.”

“Yeah.” I watch him walk away. “I know.”

* * *

Later that afternoon

Are you at home yet?


I will be in an hour. Late practice. Some idiot decided to play a game with the fire alarm today.

How unfortunate…You’re the only person who hasn’t wished me ‘Happy Birthday’ today.


Because you told me that you prefer to celebrate it on a different day…Have you changed your mind about that?

Not at all. Call me when you’re heading home.

I tossmy football pads onto the floor before slumping onto the living room couch. Trying to kill time, I flip through the channels, but nothing catches my attention.

I scroll down my contacts and call my best guy friend, Jeremiah.

“What’s up, Shitface?” he answers on the first ring. “Miss me already?”

“Terribly.” I shut my eyes. “I’m wishing you were kissing me right now.”

He laughs. “I hope you’re not trying to use the birthday sympathy card to get out of going with me to the gulf this weekend.”


“Good. What do you really want then?”

“A distraction,” I admit. “At least half an hour if you can…”

“Of course.” There’s a smile in his voice. “This is the perfect opportunity for me to tell you just how overrated you are.”

“I’m listening.”

“You’re not as attractive as everyone claims,” he says. “There are plenty of other actors in Hollywood who look far better.”

“Are you saying I look good enough to belong in Hollywood, though?”

“Shut up and let me finish.”

Laughing, I shut my eyes and lean back on the couch, listening to him serve me lies until I fall asleep.

* * *

I’m dreamingof throwing epic passes at The University of Alabama’s stadium when something wet touches my thigh.

Confused, I look up at the sky, but it’s bright blue. No sign of an oncoming storm anywhere.

“Easton! Easton!” The crowd cheers my name as my teammate rushes into the end zone.

The wetness touches my thigh again, leaving a strange trail, and I open my eyes.