I push up the window, thinking she’ll come up so we can finally talk, but she hurls a new rock.

Then another.

“Fuck you.” She hits my chest with one. “Fuck you.”

I step onto the ledge and climb down, all while she keeps hurling them at me.

“Fuck you, Easton Rush.” She cries as her last rock hits my shoulder. “Fuckkkk you.”

“Stop this, Scarlett.” I grab her wrists and pull her close. “Stop.”

“I hate you,” she whispers. “I fucking hate you.”

“I miss you, too.”

“You haven’t called or groveled or anything.”

“You haven’t given me a chance to…” I kiss her lips. “Give me chance to,”

“No.” She tries to pull away from me, but I tighten my grip. “I wasted my first time on you…I hate that I gave you my virginity.”


“You heard me. Iwastedmy first time on you.” She looks into my eyes, and her irises reveal that she doesn’t mean what she’s saying.“You didn’t deserve it.”

“You never told me that you were a virgin.” I’m stunned. “You’ve mentioned being with other guys.”

“No…I’ve teased guys and come close,” she says. “But I never went all the way until you, and now that we’re over and you’re not trying to get me back, I officially regret it.”

I stare at her, utterly speechless.

“Let me go.” She tries to wriggle from my grasp. “Let me go right now because—”

I stamp my mouth over hers before she can say anything else, before we can waste another second being apart.

She stops fighting me, letting her hands fall, and I wrap an arm around her waist. I keep kissing her until she’s damn near breathless.

“How did you want your first time to be?” I whisper against her lips.

“I don’t think it matters now…”

“Scarlett...” I kiss her again, holding her tighter. “How did you want it to be?”



Dear Olivia Hall,

I’ve given you over twenty clarinet reeds and six sheet composition books and you never paid me back for any of them… Alas, I was the person who charged over fifteen pizzas to your house last year, so you don’t owe me anymore.

Wish I Would’ve Told You,


Easton leads me to the old Mustang that’s parked in his dad’s garage. He opens the door to the back seat, and I climb inside, laying my back against the leather.

Climbing over me, he covers my mouth with his and stares into my eyes. I run my hands against his back, moaning as he deepens our kiss.