“Who are you taking to prom?”

“Um…” I pause. I haven’t told her or my mother anything about London. I have a feeling that one, they won’t care, and two, they’ll try to talk me out of it for their own selfish reasons.

“I’m not sure who I’ll go with yet,” I say. “I have a few offers on the table.”

“Well, Jeremiah Sanders is beyond interested.” She smiles. “He’s fucking hot, and you should totally take him up on that. We could all ride there together!”



“Yay.” I take a large gulp of my coffee.

We stare at each other, searching for something to say, a way to keep this weak conversation going, but there’s nothing.

Eventually, she takes out her phone and taps the screen, and I listen in on the couple arguing at the table next to us.

Thankfully, Jeremiah and Easton walk through the doors minutes later, saving us from ourselves.

“Come over here for a second, Scarlett,” Tully motions for me to sit next to her.

I stand up and Jeremiah whispers, “I’m taking you home tonight, no matter what,” as I pass by.

Tully insists on posing for a few pictures together, and when we’re done, Easton clears his throat.

“Scarlett, can I talk to you outside for a second?” he asks.

“She’s right there, Easton.” Tully kisses his cheek. “She can hear you just fine.”

“This is personal,” he says. “We need to go outside.”

“I don’t see how personal it can possibly be since you barely know her.” Tully shrugs. “You can say whatever it is in front of everyone, I’m sure.”

“No.” He’s staring at me. “I’m sure that I can’t.”

“She already told me about her on-and-off again boyfriend, and going out with college guys here or there,” Jeremiah says. “I know you’re tempted to grill her about me, but we talked about everything last night. We’re fine.”

“You’re talking on the phone to him now?” Easton tilts his head to the side. “Really?”

“Yes,really.” I smile at him even though I feel my heart aching in my chest. “He’s lucky to have someone like you who does everything he can to make sure he doesn’t get hurt…”

“Yeah, Easton really is the best friend I could ever ask for, but he’s been a bit off all week,” Jeremiah laughs. “He’ll be fine, though. Anyone want a pumpkin spice latte?”

“Me,” we all say in unison.

“Okay. Be right back.” He leaves the table and I immediately look down at my phone to avoid conversation.

Against my better judgment, I click on Tully’s profile and check the response to the picture she just posted of us.

Half a million likes and counting…

Then I click on the one she just posted of her and Easton. A short video of her kissing his cheek.

Two million likes and counting…

I can’t watch shit like this anymore. I’m far too jealous.

My heart has had a taste of Easton Rush, and it refuses to indulge in any other flavor. The best thing for me to do once and for all is to put an end to this—tous—once and for all.