“Oh, be still my beating heart.” She rolls her eyes. “You don’t like me anymore?”
“I do like you, Tully. But as more of a —”
“Why aren’t we getting ready, Easton and Tully?” A guy wearing a “Proposal, Inc.” shirt steps into the kitchen. “Is something wrong?”
“No,” we say in unison.
“Easton was just being the ultimate professional in saying that he hadn’t technically signed off on today’s event,” Tully says.
“Only because your girlfriend signed first and said you would be totally onboard.” He flips through a stack of folders and clicks a pen. “We were discussing the idea of you wearing one of our special boutonnieres to match with her upcoming dress, and she mentioned that you hadn’t asked her out to prom yet.”
Because I wasn’t planning to…
“So, I figured, why don’t we help in that department and do a sponsored video about our actual prom services instead of a single prom night photo, you know?”
I don’t say a word.
I just glare at Tully.
“Here you are, Mr. Easton.” The guy flips to the last page, where my signature should go. “The total payment has increased a bit as well. We agreed on seven thousand dollars each.”
“This is only for today’s shoot and doesn’t include anything on prom night, correct?” I ask.
“Um….Correct.” He looks confused. “I mean, we’re assuming you two will go together, so depending on how well this does, we may consider a second sponsored video for that.”
“Let’s just get this out of the way.” I take the pen from him and sign my name. “I only have an hour for this.”
I take the wardrobe bag upstairs, in hopes of catching Scarlett, but she’s no longer in her room. Instead, there’s a post-it note on her door.
Ran off to get early morning donuts and coffee with Kevin. Will be back.
I left the KTP contract for you & Tully on the coffee table in the living room.
I change into the tuxedo and return downstairs.
As I’m heading toward my car to get my phone, a woman grabs my hand and leads me to the Mustang.
Tully is dressed in her cheerleader uniform, looking far too thrilled about this.
“Can we get a few kisses with you and Tully in the front seat?” The photographer asks.
I resist the urge to roll my eyes, but I lean forward and oblige.
For far too long, they make us pose in front of the car, and then I get on one knee and ask her to prom, conveniently in time for her cheer squad and my teammates to arrive.
It’s not until the end of the shoot that I notice Scarlett staring at us in tears from the sidewalk.
Ithought he’d alluded to wanting to go to the prom with me…
I know I’m being illogical, but seeing Easton ask her to prom in such an elaborate way hurts like hell.