Ugh, Tully…
Even though we were born six minutes apart, me and my sister couldn’t possibly be any more different. I analyze our birth certificates and call the hospital for verification on our birthday every year.
We tolerate each other's presence like strangers who share a long transatlantic flight. Cordial when we cross paths, a light conversation here and there, but never anything beyond the surface.
Her dreams of being a top influencer have come true, and she has ten million followers who buy into the sugarcoated version of her life, numerous sponsors who’ve already paid her way to college, and most importantly, a mother who knows exactly how to help her build her “brand.”
Peering through the blinds, I see that she’s not alone. She’s sitting next to her boyfriend, Easton Rush.
I suck in a breath at the sight of him in a white T-shirt that clings to his muscles, at his perfect pearly white smile that makes my heart race.
He’s the star player of the football team, the sexiest guy to ever exist in this small town. With his sinewed muscles, stunning ocean blue eyes, and a face courtesy of a maker who said, "Give me fucking perfection,” he makes grown women give him a second glance.
Leaning against his shoulder, Tully holds up her cell phone.
“So, we just got back from Gayle’s Diner and I bought a ton of stuff that I’m making him try tonight,” she says. “Since everyone swears by the waffle bites and custom creams, I can’t wait to see what he thinks!”
She runs a hand through his ink-black hair before turning off the video. Then she looks at him. Do you want to eat chocolate or vanilla first?”
“Vanilla it is, then.”
He smiles and picks up a tiny silver tin, while Tully places a spoonful of cream onto his tongue.
I watch as she films him trying flavor after flavor, forcing my blood to boil with every dollop.
Every time she playfully runs her fingers through his hair, I think about my fingers touching him there better.
Each time he laughs, I can hear the strain and the fakeness. Not the authentic full-throated one he has with me.
And in the rare moments that he places his fingers under her chin to adjust the angle of the camera, I think about where those fingers have tried to go with me, where they’ve trailed against my skin and made me lose all consciousness.
Ihatethis feeling, and I know that I should stop watching and walk away, but I can’t.
I hate dating other guys, searching for someone who can make me feel even a tenth of what Easton does.
Stepping back, I return to my room and lock the window. I draw the blinds shut and close the curtains. Then I curl into a ball on my bed, put in my earbuds, and ignore the wetness that stains my pillowcase.
I’m not sure how long I lay there, but later I hear a familiar sound outside my window.
Tap! Tap! Tappp!
It’shim, but I don’t move.
Tap! Tap! Tap!
I remain still.
I feel my phone vibrating next to my head, and then he taps again, but I can’t face looking at him tonight.
I just can’t.
In addition to accepting that the college boys aren’t worth my time, I need to accept that none of them will ever be able to wean my heart away from the boy who’s owned it for over a year.