Page 21 of Cruel Paradise

“But that was aaaaages ago,” Reagan complains. “I’m hungry again.”

I grab the pan and fill it with water and leave it in the sink to soak. Maybe there’s some hope of salvaging it. “Let’s see what’s in the fridge for dinner, shall we?”

I notice that the grocery list I’d made last week is still tacked up on the fridge.Goodness gracious, the hits just keep coming.“Um, did your dad go to the grocery store today?”

Both girls shake their heads in unison. “He said he was busy,” Caroline offers with a shrug.

Gritting my teeth, I open the fridge and look inside. There’s nothing there but stale leftovers that I’ve neglected to throw out.

And beer. Lots and lots of beer.

If Social Services comes around today, I’m screwed.

I can feel my sanity slipping away slowly. “Okay, you know what? We’re gonna have pizza today.”

I leave them cheering in the kitchen and walk back into the living room to retrieve my purse. My AmEx credit card is connected to my life raft account, and if ever I needed a life raft, it’s today.

I dig through my wallet, but the slot where I usually keep it is empty. “Hm. Where could that possibly have gone…?”

“Aunt Em?”

When I look up, Josh is standing at the entrance to the living room in a t-shirt that’s far too tight for him.When was the last time I took them shopping for new clothes?

“Hey, bud. Have you seen my silver credit card anywhere?”

He frowns. “It’s always in your wallet.”

“I know.” I rack my brain, trying to remember what I last used the card for. Did I just forget to put it back in my wallet? Then it hits me: back-to-school shopping for the spring semester. The kids all needed new binders. I have a vague memory of sitting at the kitchen table on the phone with Social Services to ask when the stipend was getting sent out when…

“Ben walked in.”

Josh looks confused. “Huh? What about Dad?”

I turn my back on him and race towards Ben’s room, my heart rate rising rapidly. Ben jerks upright when the door flies open, dried drool leaving a trail from one corner of his mouth down to his chin.

“Where is it?” I practically shriek.

He blinks at me, his eyes rolling sleepily. “Huh? What?”

“My credit card, Ben. Where is it?”

A spark of recognition flits across his eyes. That’s all it takes to confirm my suspicion: he took it.

I open my mouth to unleash holy hell on him, but before I can, Reagan’s pitiful little voice floats up from behind me. Her body is half-hidden behind the door frame and she’s looking at me with those big, beautiful eyes.

“Are you mad at Daddy?”

Caroline is standing behind Josh, looking just as upset as her sister.Keep it together, Emma. For the kids.

But before I can say anything, Josh steps in. “Auntie Em’s not angry. She just needs to talk to Dad. Come on; let’s go play Hide-and-Seek in my room.”

If I had the money, I’d buy that kid every pair of shoes in the store. I wait until Josh ushers his sisters away before I close the door and turn to glare at Ben.

“Whereis it, you… you… youasshole?”

His eyes pop open. I’m usually not one for name-calling. But there are just some people who kick the Good Samaritan inside you until there’s no goodness left. He’s one of them.

“Relax. You barely use that card—”