Page 16 of Cruel Paradise

His mouth twitches with the promise of a smile, but it’s gone as quick as it came. “I know what you sound like when you orgasm, Emma. Is that the soundtrack you want running through all our interactions from now on?”

Flushing the brightest of reds, I shake my head. “If we could maybe just forget this whole thing—”

“The way I see it, there are only two options here.”

I hold my breath.

“One, I fire you.”

There it is. I knew it. I’m done for. I’m going to need to call the welfare office and see what—

“Or two… I give you exactly what you want.”

I almost choke on my own saliva. What little is left in my gaping mouth. “W-what?”

Silently, Ruslan offers me the blue folder lying in front of him. I pick it up with shaky hands and open the cover. It takes me a few long moments to figure out what on earth I’m looking at.

A… contract?

I read through the first page, feeling a strange sensation bubble up in my chest.Then, since I’m clearly misunderstanding something, I read through the first page again. And again. And again.

Only then do I look up. “Is this a joke?”

He doesn’t blink. “I never joke.”

“It’s just that, it seems like, from what I read, um—”

“I will offer you money and security in exchange for live encores of the little performance you sent me last night. In addition to meeting my other needs.”

“And by ‘needs,’ you mean…sex?”

He tilts his chin down and regards me solemnly. “How explicit would you like me to be, Ms. Carson?”


“So this—” I raise the blue folder in my hand. “—is a sugar daddy contract?”

His brow furrows. “I’d prefer to call it a ‘Friend With Benefits’ contract.”

“But we’re not friends.”

He smirks. “Fair enough. No, we’re not.”

There’s a throbbing in my head that reminds me of the first time I got drunk. Sienna and I had snuck into Dad’s study the eve of my sixteenth birthday and stolen a 1984 Chateau Latour. We passed it back and forth, taking turns sipping from the bottle like it was cheap bagged wine until the whole thing was gone.

For a moment, I think about what Sienna would say if she were here. Would she be outraged or intrigued? Would she slap the smug asshole and storm out?

Or would she grin and say,Double the price and I’m in.

What would you do, Si?

And then it hits me, a bolt of lightning straight to the chest, almost like she’s speaking to me herself. I miss her so much, it hurts. But she left little bits of herself behind, in all three of her children. The same kids I’m working my ass off to protect.

That right there is the answer.

Sienna would have done whatever was best for her children.

So I don’t slap him. I don’t storm out. I sit there and stare at my arrogant, asshole boss who always gets exactly what he wants.