Page 136 of Cruel Paradise

“But before I tell you what’s on my mind, it’s important that you know exactly who I am. And what I do.”

She nods slowly, hesitantly. “Should I be nervous?”

“I’d just be attentive.”

She tries to return the smile but doesn’t quite manage. “Go on.”

“Bane Corp. was founded by my grandfather almost seventy years ago. It was a tiny security company that he was hoping would be the perfect façade to hide what the familyreallydid. What we still do.”

She gulps, pulling her legs up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. “Oh my God… the rumors are true then?”

I shrug. “Depends on which rumor you’re talking about.”

“The ones that claim you’re somehow tied to the mafia.”

“Yes and no. Our roots are Russian. We aren’t mafia; we’re Bratva. We don’t have dons; we havepahkans.And I’m not ‘tied to the Bratva’; Iamthe Bratva.”

She stares back at me. The color has drained from her face and all breathing has come to a screeching halt.

I give her a moment. It’s the kind of revelation that requires a little processing time.

“B-Bratva…” she repeats as if she’s trying the word on for size. “Wow, that’s really… something.”

I snort. “That’s all you have to say?”

She throws her hands up. “Well, I’m not sure what the correct response is when the guy you’re sleeping with tells you he’s a mafia don!”


She takes a deep breath and then starts chewing on the inside of her cheek. The last time she did that also happened to be the first night we kicked off the contract. I’m hoping this isn’t a book-end sort of situation.

“I guess… it’s not ahugeshock,” she admits. “Like I said, there were rumors. I didn’t really pay them all that much attention. Now, I wish I had.”

“Iama dangerous man, Emma. I won’t deny it.” I make sure to look her in the eye. “But I just want you to know that I’m not dangerous toyou.Or your family.”

She holds my gaze and nods. “I think I already know that.” Her voice is barely above a whisper.

There it is—that burgeoning sense of hope. That naive little voice saying,This could work…

“Thank you for telling me,” she says.

“I had to tell you. I wanted you to have all the information before you made your decision.”

The anxiety is back. I can tell from the new lines on her forehead. “What decision?”

I decide to just tear off the bandage. “I want to add an addendum to our contract.”

She stiffens. “What kind of addendum?”

“Given my role aspahkan, I’m required to ensure the continuity of the Oryolov name.” She doesn’t really move, but her eyebrows twitch. She looks confused.Rip off the fucking bandage, you coward.“I want to add a baby clause to our contract.”

“I’m sorry—did you just say ‘babyclause’?” Her mouth drops. She and Josh definitely have that in common, that sameyou-have-got-to-be-fucking-kidding meface. “Y-you… you want me to have your baby?”

“As I said, I need an heir. And since our contract has worked well so far, I figured I’d put it to you and see where you stand. Just so you know, if you agree to this, I will make sure you and the baby are well provided for. That goes for the kids, too. Josh, Reagan, and Caroline will want for nothing as long as they live. I’ll take care of their education, their medical bills, their clothes and shoes and whatever else.” She’s blinking rapidly, her eyes darting over my face again and again. I wonder if she’s even getting half of what I’m throwing at her. But since this might be my only chance to convince her, I keep going. “In addition, I will set you up in a new place. Somewhere large enough that every child has a room of their own. Somewhere with space for them to run. I will also give you an additional monthly stipend until the baby turns eighteen to use as you see fit. It will not be an insignificant amount.”

She exhales sharply. “That is… a lot to process.”

“You don’t have to give me an answer now. Take some time and think about it.”