Page 159 of Cruel Paradise

Because the thirteenth of August is the date of the full-scale Venera launch. And there isn’t a fucking chance in hell that Adrik doesn’t somehow know that.

Outwardly, I play it cool. “Unfortunately, booking Alcazar for any kind of event requires at least three months’ prior notice. I’m afraid your date isn’t available.”

“I figured that, since I know the owner—”

“You figured wrong. We’re booked.”

He eyes me over his whiskey. “Oh? Big event?”

I keep my face calmly apathetic, even as I daydream about throttling this bastard here and now. “Every event at Alcazar is a big event.” I get to my feet. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have meetings to get to.”

Adrik remains seated. He doesn’t seem miffed that I’ve denied him the use of my club, which is making me even more suspicious.

It’s a relief that lunch is over but I’m also hard-wired to sense when something is not right. Right now, all my senses are blaring red alert.

Kirill is in the foyer of the Bane skyscraper when I walk in. He makes a beeline straight for me. “What’s this I hear about a lunch with Adrik?”

“Just managed to get away.”

He narrows his eyes. “What did the bastard want?”

“He wanted a venue for some event. Alcazar on the thirteenth of August.”

Kirill’s scowl captures exactly how I’m feeling. “That can’t be a coincidence, can it?” I shake my head and his scowl deepens. “If it’s not a coincidence, that can mean only one thing.”

“Yeah,” I snarl with a grimace. “Adrik knows too much.”



“I cannot get over this look!” Phoebe declares as she follows me into the living room.

The kids are already asleep so we’re both talking softly and walking slow. Well,I’mwalking slow. The three-inch Prada heels I’m wearing weren’t exactly made for running.

“And, wow, not to bury the lede here, but your ass looksamazingfrom back here.”

I spin around for her benefit. The truth is, I feel pretty dang good. And not just because of the sequined Valentino mini I’m wearing. Tonight is my club date with Ruslan and I’m all squidgy inside with excitement.

We’re actually going to be out in public together—a couple for the world to see.

It’s about freaking time.

“If only I had a camera on me. We need to memorialize this moment so that you can look back forty years from now and remember what a hot bod you had.”

I roll my eyes. “Don’t you worry. I’ll have a hot body forty years from now, too.”

“Ooh! I like the confidence. This new Emma is definitely an upgrade.”

“New Emma?”

“Oh, brandspankingnew.” Phoebe wags her eyebrows at me. “Let’s face it: you’ve transformed these last couple of months. You went from a stressed, tired, worried little caterpillar into a confident, happy, sexy sequined butterfly clothed in designer like it ain’t nothin’.”

I cringe. “He keeps buying me expensive clothes—”

“And you need to keep accepting them. For my sake, if not for yours. I’m borrowing this dress when you’re done with it, by the way.”

I laugh. “No prob—”