Page 76 of Cruel Promise

“See you soon.”

When I get to the location—which lives up to Kirill’s description as a desolate shithole miles away from civilization—Vadim is standing outside one of the SUVs with my second-in-command lounging at his side and murmuring rapid-fire into a walkie-talkie.

“Decided to join the party?” Vadim asks with a toothy smile.

“Congratulations, Uncle. I heard that you’re the man to thank for this find. You’ll have to tell me how you did it.”

He seems jumpy as he gives me a distracted smile. “I don’t want to be accused of bragging. We should really move fast.”

“No need to worry. Adrik doesn’t have the balls to challenge me openly. It’s why he’s resorting to all these underhanded methods of attack. He knows he doesn’t stand a chance otherwise.”

Vadim’s gaze flickers across the property. “You’re that sure we’re dealing with Adrik here?”

“Who else could it be?”

He shrugs. “Not everyone loves the Bratva.”

“Okay,” Kirill says as he turns his attention up to us. “It looks like we’re dealing with a dozen men. Fourteen, at the most.”

Fourteen?The number feels low, considering what they’re protecting. What the hell is Adrik up to?

Vadim seems to be thinking the same thing I am. “Adrik’s clearly got the Venera formula duplicated by now. Sergey has served his purpose. Losing him now won’t be a huge loss.”

“Maybe not,” I snarl, reaching a sudden decision point. “But he’s still my man and I’m not going to leave him to rot in there.” I raise my fist in the air and bring it down hard, giving my men the signal to move in from the surrounding territory. “We don’t need prisoners. Kill them all.”

Vadim’s eyes flit to me. “Your father would advise mercy.”

“And what wouldyouadvise?”

He flinches before sighing. “Kill them all.”

Nodding, I pull out my gun and follow my men into the house. The first gunshot breaks the silence. After that, it’s a no-holds-barred free-for-all. The air comes alive with the smell of blood and the groans of our dying enemies.

It’s over far faster than I’d hoped for. Mere minutes after the violence begins, silence resumes. My men clear a path for me to the back of the house where Sergey is being held. I have to kick the door down to enter it. Debris flies as the old wood cracks and splinters beneath my heel.

We sweep through, guns at the ready, but there’s no need. The room is empty but for one person.

Sergey is chained to a chair in one dusty, cobwebbed corner. He’s slumped over, his neck bent, his chin hanging down to his chest. He’s not conscious. In fact, it looks like he’s barely breathing.

Which means only one thing: he may have cracked, but it took extreme torture to do it.

“Kirill!” I roar.

A few more straggling gunshots sound—executing the last of Adrik’s rabble—and then everything goes quiet. Kirill rushes into the room a moment later.

“Is he dead?” he blurts as soon as he clocks the scene.

I check his pulse. “He’s still with us. But barely. We need to get him to a hospital immediately.”

“On it.”

After Sergey has been stretchered out to the caravan of SUVs, I step over one of the enemy bodies strewn in the hallway and turn to Andrey, a lieutenant waiting at attention for my next batch of orders. Lucky for him, the next step is simple.

“Burn the whole fucking place down.”

Then I get into the same SUV that’s transporting Sergey to the hospital. As we pull away, plumes of smoke start to spiral out from the inside of the dilapidated building. It should take only a few minutes for the fire to consume and destroy the whole structure.

I’m coming for you, asshole,I whisper silently to Adrik, wherever the hell he might be.And when I’m done, a little fire will be the least of your concerns.