Page 21 of Cruel Promise

“The security code is the same. I didn’t get a chance to change it since you were last here.” His voice is gruff. He speaks as though I was here years ago when it’s only been days.


“You’re free to change the code if it makes you feel better.”

“What if you or Kirill need to come up here?”

“We’ll call you directly for the code. Just don’t text it to anyone.”

“I won’t.”

The apartment is eerily silent. Even though we’re both talking quietly, the sound carries, bridging the distance between us. He turns towards the main door and I feel the panic build.

Don’t go.

That weird, piercing discomfort in my belly is happening again. That would be an easy way to get him to stay. Telling him about the secret I’m carrying—quite literally.

No. That’s not what I want. That’s not what I should do.

“The fridge is stocked and so is the pantry.”

“You were expecting this?”

He frowns. “Of course not. This apartment is where I spend most of my time outside of the office. It’s stocked for me.”

“Oh.” My cheeks color instantly. “Right.”

“I’ll have Kirill bring more supplies in the morning. You can put together a list of all the things you might need and send it over to him.”

“I’m not sure he’ll appreciate playing errand boy.”

Those amber eyes flash to mine. “He’ll do whatever the fuck I expect of him. That is his job. Serving hispahkan.”

“Where will you go?” He raises his eyebrows and I start word vomiting all over him. “I mean, you need to sleep, too. And if this is where you spend most of your time, then—”

“I have half a dozen other properties in this city,” Ruslan says, cutting me off. “Any one of them will do.”

“Oh. Okay.” He makes another step towards the exit. “A-and how do I change the security code again?”

He shoots me an impatient glare. “Put in the old access code. Then put in the new code, followed by the pound key.”

“Okay. Six digits, right?”


“Is there anything—”


He doesn’t raise his voice but somehow, it feels like he has. My jaw snaps shut and, when he looks at me, it’s like he’s lookingintome.

“Are you trying to waste my time?”

My heart thuds painfully against my chest. “No, of course not. I was just asking. I forgot.”

“No, you didn’t,” he growls, calling my bluff. “You’re trying to buy more time.”

I don’t even bother denying it because honestly, I already know I’m probably not gonna be very convincing. “I just—”