Page 19 of Cruel Promise

Kirill raises his eyebrows. “Same as the kidnappers. Who knew Adrik was capable of running such a tight ship, huh?”

“My thoughts exactly.”


I arch an eyebrow. “Unless what?”

“Unless we’re not dealing with Adrik at all?” Kirill suggests. “Maybe this is someone else entirely.”

“No one else has it out for me like Adrik does. No one elseknowsas much as Adrik does. There’ve been too many coincidences where he’s concerned.” I gesture for the clean-up crew. “Get them both out of here before someone notices. I’m going to go get Emma and the kids.”

“What’s the plan?”

“The plan is simple: keep them safe until we figure out who’s moving against me.”

Kirill doesn’t push me for details. He stays behind to supervise the clean-up while I head up the stairs to room number four.

Before I can knock, she opens the door and steps out into the open passage. “You justkilledtwo men,” she blurts.

I can understand her panic. She’s only ever been acquainted with the CEO of Bane Corp. The no-nonsense businessman in crisp Tom Ford suits who gets what he wants through cutthroat deals and the subtle art of persuasion.

She’s never really come face to face with the other side of who I am. The ruthlesspahkanwho gets what he wants through brute force, sheer will, and—on particularly messy nights like this one—blood. Lots of it.

I keep my voice soft and calm. “They were here to hurt you and the children. They would have taken the kids and used them as bait. They would have done the same and worse to you. That’s why they had to die.”

She shivers and rubs at her forearms. “Why does anyone have to die?”

There’s something about her innocent questions that I find endearing. I can see the harsh reality of my world through her eyes and it only makes me more determined to keep her and the children safe from it.

I may not like her right now. That’s okay.

I don’t have to like her to protect her.

“Because this is the underworld, Emma. And violence is the one language we all speak fluently. Now, come—we have to go.”

She blanches. “G-go? Where?”

“Back to one of my penthouses for now. Until I find a more permanent location for all of you.”

“You want us to come with you?”

“It’s not safe for you on your own right now.”

Her gaze flashes past me. “I-I’ll leave town. No one will be able to find us. I won’t be your problem. It’s a win-win.”

She takes a step back, as though she’s desperate to start putting distance between us immediately.

What is that in her eyes? Is that fuckingdistrust? After all I’ve done?

I’m pissed off all over again. Where the fuck does she get off not trustingme? I’mnot the one who blew up our contract with her fucking double dealing.I’mnot the rat.I’mnot the snake.

“You don’t know this world, Emma. You don’t understand the men in it. They’re relentless. They won’t stop coming after you. Not untilIstop them. But that requires time.”

The more I talk, the more terrified she seems. “Ruslan—”

“Those children will never be safe until I handle this situation. Do you really want to subject them to a life on the run? Looking over your shoulder at every turn? Wondering if the man in the corner is looking at you or looking past you? Wondering if every smile and act of kindness comes with bloody strings attached?”

She swallows hard, her eyes glistening with tears.