Page 40 of Cruel Promise

Is there anyone left on my side?I think irritably to myself.

“How do you know that?”

“BecauseItried to tell you about the baby and you refused to listen.”

I drop down opposite him. “Say that again.”

“Remember the medical file I stole right after Emma checked into the hospital? It was all there in black and white. Sonogram and all. I knew she was pregnant and I tried to tell you, but you wouldn’t let me get a word in edgewise.”


“So what? You tried to tell; I didn’t listen. So you were prepared to let her take my child and run from me?”

He rolls his eyes. “Don’t flatter yourself. She wasn’t running from you.”

I tense up. “Who else could she have been running from?”


Somehow, I wasn’t expecting that. “Ben?”

“Who do you think gave her all those injuries?” Kirill asks with a skeptical eyebrow.

“That wasBen?”

“Well, she didn’t just trip.”

I remember walking into the apartment and seeing the broken coffee table. Fucker had pushed her right through the glass. No wonder she’d been cut up all over.

Fucking bastard.My hands tighten into fists on my lap.

“He’s gonna pay for that.”

“I thought you didn’t care about Emma.” Kirill makes a big show of tapping his lip like he’s deep in thought. “Why ever would you want to avenge a woman you claim you have no feelings for?”

Thankfully, I have my answer locked and loaded. “Because she’s carrying my child,” I snap.

“Right. What a satisfying, wholesome, extremely believable explanation.”

I don’t like that look on his face. It’s entirely too smug for my liking.

He sighs and continues, “I’ve already spoken to Judge Altemeyer. He’ll be able to resolve the custody order soon enough. Convert Emma’s temporary custody into permanent custody.”

“Good. Keep me in the loop.” I walk back to my desk and glare down at the massive stack of resumes piled on top of it. “Now, I have to get back to work.”

“That’s it?” Kirill asks, setting his feet back on the ground.

“What do you mean?”

“You’re not going to talk to Emma?”

“I already did.” I rake a hand through my hair and exhale at the memory of that frustrating exchange. “I told her where we stand. I explained how the addendum will work going forward. There’s nothing else to discuss.”

Kirill looks disappointed in me. “Is this really the kind of environment you want your kid growing up in, Ruslan?”

“What are you looking for us to be, Kirill? One big, happy family? Emma shot that future to hell when she started running her mouth to Remmy Jefferson.” He starts to talk but I hold my hand up to shut him up. “Before you defend her, let me remind you thatshe’sthe reason the contract is out there in the ether, being leveraged for personal gain by that slimy little shit. I trusted her once and look where that got me.”

“It got you a child? A family? The chance to carry on the family name? Which one of those is supposed to be the bad thing?”