Page 26 of Cruel Promise

That’s it then. It’s all over.

I drop the pretense. “Are you gonna tell him?”

Kirill strokes his chin. “I did try. But he’s not real open to talking about you these days.”

There’s a lot to unpack in that sentence but I focus on the most troubling. “Y-you tried to tell him already?”

“Like I said, I already knew you were pregnant.”


“I pulled your medical files,” he explains unapologetically. “The day you landed in the hospital with cuts all over your body.”

“That’s my private information!”

He shrugs. “I had to make sure you were alright.”

“Why?” I demand. “Your boss has made it perfectly clear that he doesn’t give a shit about me. So why would you?”

“Because, even though he’s my boss, he’s also my friend. And I know what he wants even when he won’t admit it.”

“Which is what?”

“He wants you to be safe, for starters.”

My insides churn. Isowant to believe that. But Ruslan’s words are still burning in my ears. He was just a little too convincing last night.

“Kirill, you can’t tell him. If he knows—

He holds up a hand to soothe me. “Breathe. I don’t plan on telling him.”

That brings me to a screeching halt. I genuinely thought it would take much more convincing than that. “You don’t?”

“There’s a lot going on right now. Maybe it’s better not to drop this information bomb into the middle of it.”

I nod, trembling. “Thank you.”

“But I do think you should be the one to tell him—eventually.”

My lips compress into a hard line. “No.”

“He deserves to know.”

“Does he?” I snap. “Because from where I’m standing, I’m not sure he deserves a fucking thing from me.” Kirill lofts his eyebrows and I loathe the judgment in that gesture. “I didnotsell information to Remmy Jefferson! I know that’s what you both believe, but it’s not true. I would never do that.” His arched eyebrows settle down a fraction of an inch as I leap to my feet and start pacing around. “Benis the one who started snooping around in my car. Which is where I hid the contract because I was so scared he’d stumble onto it if I kept it in my room. And since Remmy was snooping around in general… well, you can see how the two would cross paths eventually. That’s how Remmy got his hands on the contract. Ben handed it right to him.”

Kirill still doesn’t say a word and that pisses me off. So I just keep talking. “Whatever you might believe, Idocare about Ruslan. I would never have put that information out there. I wouldn’t even dare to—”

“I believe you.”

I stop short. “W-what?”

He leans back and picks some imaginary lint off his pants. “As explanations go, yours makes sense.”

I stare at him for a moment and then sigh. “Yeah, try telling your stubborn ass boss that.”

Kirill chuckles. “Telling him anything now is pointless. He’s too inside his own head. Without proof—”

“Why does he even need proof?” I cry out. “Why can’t he just take my freaking word for it?”