I slid in another finger, and another. My body throbbed and ached while I finger fucked the Fae man. I slid my fingers in and out, harder and faster while he writhed and moaned with pleasure.

"My turn," Zared said. He waited until I slid my fingers out before tentatively replacing them with his own, larger fingers. His throat bobbed as he swallowed, but in a matter of moments he thrusted as firm as I had.

"Gods yes," Tavian groaned.

He rolled onto his side until I was able to slip my lips over his cock. With both of us working him from either side, he was powerless to do anything but cum with a series of breathy groans and grunts, spilling his cum into my mouth.

"Swallow it," Zared said insistently.

I lifted my head up high enough for both of them to see, then deliberately swallowed down every delicious drop.

"Good girl. Come here," Zared ordered. He pushed Tavian gently back onto his stomach and grabbed my hand until I was sitting on Tavian's back, my legs to either side of me to take most of my weight.

Zared ran his hand up and down his cock a couple of times, then positioned it just outside Tavian's ass. His eyes half closed in concentration, he pressed himself inside. At the same time, he slid his hand down to rub over my clit and kissed my mouth.

I leaned back a little and wrapped my legs around Zared's waist.

Feeling him sliding in and out of Tavian while working me was one of the hottest things I'd ever experienced.

Judging by the moans and groans from Tavian, he felt the same way.

"Fuck, this is…" Zared ground out between kisses. "So fucking good." He thrust into Tavian with smooth, even strokes, matching those with circles around my clit. "Come for me."

I didn't want to come so quickly, but I couldn't contain it. Everything about this was so erotic. I tipped over the edge, groaning and dripping all over Zared's fingers and Tavian's back.

Zared came a moment or two later, his body still with heavy tension until his balls released his hot cum into Tavian's ass. He bit down on my lip at the same time, forcing a second orgasm out of me from sheer delight at the pain. Not even the coppery taste of my blood could deter me from the burst of pleasure.

Zared panted against my mouth for a long while before sliding his cock free.

"Any time you want to do this again, I'm all for it," Tavian said. "Although, my cock is already hard again." He made a face of mild discomfort.

"Good," Zared said. "Fuck her." He placed his hands on my hips and raised me up so Tavian could roll over onto his back. Carefully, he lowered me onto Tavian's erect cock.

"Yes, sir," Tavian said breathlessly. He placed his hands on my waist, just above Zared's and thrust up into me as I looked Zared in the eyes.

Zared worked his hand back between us and over my clit again. "I want you both to come at the same time."

I didn't think I had another orgasm in me until I heard those words. The moment they were out of his mouth, another burst of desire rose inside me. The need to please him as well as the need to feel good. It wasn't the same as the need to please an alpha. This was the desire to please my lover, to let him dominate Tavian and me. In this moment, he could have asked almost anything and we would have done it. An orgasm seemed like a small thing to give him.

When it came, it was a big thing, intense, travelling all the way through my body, clenching Tavian's cock and drawing a second orgasm out of him at the same time.

My breasts bounced as I ground onto Zared's hand and Tavian's cock. All thought went out of my head except the extreme pleasure as I shattered completely, coming apart around them in a flood of my cum and Tavian's.

I cried out long and loud until I came back down to earth with a sag and breathless pants. Tavian sounded much the same way, puffing and sagging back against the mattress.

"Gods, you two are amazing," Tavian whispered.

"I was going to say the same about you two," I said.

"I'm glad you came for me," Zared said. "In both meanings of the word."

"We'll always come for you," Tavian told him. "Always."

An exhausted murmur of agreement was all I could manage. I was definitely eager to do this again.

