"The… Plant… Bush? That could be tree. The tree has answers or accepts the sacrifice. To open a… Window is the closest interpretation. To open a window, one must remain behind. Two who are one. Or one who will give everything." I shook my head. "That's about as much sense as it makes."

"So feed someone to the tree and get answers?" Tavian asked, possibly facetiously.

"The hells kind of tree is that?" Vayne asked.

"I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest it's a hungry tree," Tavian said. "Pun not intended."

"That pun was totally fucking intended," Vayne told him.

Tavian grinned.

"Like I said before, I'm new to this Fae stuff, but I've never heard of a hungry tree," I said. "Hungry people, hungry animals—"

"Hungry pussies," Ryze said.

I snorted softly. "But never a hungry tree. I'm guessing they don't mean fertiliser." I looked around at them all.

"Why are they using hand symbols as a language?" Hycanthe frowned.

"It might be the language that came first and was turned into hand symbols," Ryze suggested.

"Or they did it so only a… select few could read it," Cavan said.

"You were going to say handful, weren't you?" Tavian asked him. "We don't mind puns around here."

Cavan gave him a funny look, then turned his attention back to the map. "There's more symbols down here. That's the pass leading into the mountains. Before Ryze's beloved mist."

"I'd say I can't wait to see the expression on your face if you go there," Ryze said. "But that shit is so thick, I wouldn't see it anyway."

Cavan ignored him. "Khala, what do these say?"

I had to crouch down to make them out. "Fire, ice, birth, death. A… Junction? Crossroads?" I shook my head. "Where all four meet comes a path." I stood. "I don't know what that means. Do we need someone from each of the seasonal courts?"

"Yes, but it's worse than that," Ryze said. "There's one place where all four courts meet. Neutral ground during times of conflict. Each High Lord, or a representative, has a key."

"It's called Nallis," Cavan said. "It can only be entered with all four keys."

"So we need Harel?" Vayne scowled.

"We don't need Harel, just his key," Ryze said. "Which he's not going to give up, no matter how nicely we ask."

Cavan pressed a finger to his lip. "So we're going to have to figure out how to get it without asking."

"High Lord Cavan, are you suggesting we steal it?" Ryze cocked his head, a faint smile gracing his lips. "I'm absolutely shocked."

"Try to contain it," Cavan told him, his expression deadpan. "Yes, we may have to steal it."

"So you really don't have an alliance with him?" Vayne asked. "Because it seems to me now would be a good time to have one of those. Or at least fake it."

Cavan’s expression didn’t change. "I never fake," he said. "I could probably get in the front door of his palace, but beyond that…"

"This would be easier if Harel wasn't an asshole," Ryze said. "But if there is a pathway through Nallis that means not going through the mists, I'll do just about anything to get there."

"Have you been there before?" I asked. “To Nallis, I mean.”

"Once," Ryze replied. "There hasn't been a need ever since. I don't remember seeing a tunnel there, but I wasn't looking for one. Unless…"

"Yes, unless," Cavan agreed.