"Sort of," I said. "I should talk to her." I reluctantly managed to untangle myself from them and quickly pulled on my clothes.

They both looked like they wanted to tug me back to bed, but they also got up and dressed.

We stepped out into the atrium just as the palace staff were serving breakfast. Neither man hesitated to grab some tea and toast, in spite of the looks the staff gave them.

The expression on Jezalyn's face was remarkably similar. The moment she caught sight of them, she put herself between them and Hycanthe. She and Ryze eyed each other, alpha to alpha. They reminded me of two angry cats, circling each other, sizing each other up for weaknesses.

Tavian looked appraisingly at Jezalyn, which earned him a scowl from Hycanthe.

Ryze seemed to find the whole thing hilarious. Of course he fucking would.

"Everyone relax," I said. "Jezalyn and Hycanthe are together. Ryze and Tavian are together. No one needs to be threatened by anyone else."

Jezalyn looked from Ryze to me and nodded. "As long as we understand each other." She took Hycanthe's hand and led her to sit down at the table.

I thought that was the end of it, but Hycanthe couldn't let it go.

"They don't belong here," she said. "Who are you?"

Someone like Harel would have been offended. Maybe Cavan too.

Ryze grinned.

It was Tavian who answered. "Allow me to present High Lord Ryzellius of the Winter Court. I'm Tavian, Master of Assassins."

"You shouldn't be here," Hycanthe told them. "Does Cavan know?"

I told her briefly about what happened yesterday and why the men were staying in the palace. Nothing I said wasn't information everyone here would know by now, so it wouldn't matter if the other omegas or the staff overheard. Evidently no one told Hycanthe or Jezalyn.

I didn't mention anything about the lost courts. I'd have to save that for when we were alone.

"I thought I saw a flash of light, but then I assumed I was seeing things," Hycanthe said. "Jezalyn didn't see it at all." There was something else she wasn't telling me. I saw it in her eyes. I couldn't tell if she also didn't want to share too much information in front of other people, or just me.

She surprised me by saying, "Can I speak to you for a moment? Alone."

I glanced at Ryze, who nodded.

"We'll be right out here enjoying breakfast." He bit into his toast while watching Tavian, who'd sat himself beside another omega and was having a friendly conversation.

I followed Hycanthe to the room she shared with Jezalyn, and stood near the window while she closed the door.

"I wanted to talk to you, but you were…not alone," she said awkwardly.

I didn't want to get into that with her right now, so I jumped straight in. "What did you want to talk about?"

If she took me aside to judge me, I was going to be pissed off.

She glanced nervously towards the door, before stepping deeper into the room. It was the same size as mine, but reflected the fact they'd been here longer. The nest was full of pillows. Discarded clothing lay on the floor. It looked comfortably lived in.

"Something happened when the light flashed," she said. "Apart from some weird building melting. Just for a second or two, it felt like… Like a rush of magic through me."

She frowned, trying to put thoughts into words.

"I was stronger. It was as if the bit of me that's missing during classes was right there. I could have set the city on fire. And then it was gone."

She looked down at the white tiled floor. Kicked a sandal aside in frustration.

"Jezalyn believes me, but she didn't feel anything. Did you?"