"She's fit right in at Havenmoor. She thinks you were sent to a temple in Freid or Gerian and that you're content."

"She's happy?" Since we didn't have a bond, there was no reason to expect her mind would fight the block. And if she was happy, there’s no reason to remove it, even if she wasn't at risk. She was probably better off not remembering her time in the Summer Court.

"Happier than I was," he said. "I kept feeling like something was missing. The bond tugged at me. I thought I was imagining it. How could I be feeling someone else's emotions? I knew they weren't mine, but they had to be. Only they weren't." A heavy frown sat on his brow.

"No, because they were mine." I squeezed his hand. "What happens now?"

"What do you mean?" His brow uncreased. "This doesn't change anything. We're a pack. It sounds like we have a world to save or some shit. I don't belong in the Temple. But I can show you where that map is. No one will ask any questions about why you're there if I'm there too."

"Maybe the gods planned for this to happen," Tavian said. "It's the kind of fucked up thing they'd do. Mess with Zared so he could help us later."

"That's most fucked up thing I think I've ever heard," I said.

"That's because you're young," Ryze said. "When you get to our age, you will have heard a plethora of stuff way more fucked up than that. Although, that is pretty fucked up."

"As if the gods don't have better things to do," Hycanthe said scathingly.

Zared looked over his shoulder at her. "It's nice to see you haven't changed. Still as sweet as vinegar."

She stuck her middle finger up at him. "You're still annoying."

He turned to me. "You must have been really happy to see she was one of the maidens who transformed too."

I shrugged. "We have to learn to get along at some point."

"At least Hycanthe and I transformed together," Jezalyn said. "It would have been really awkward otherwise."

"Not necessarily," Tavian said. "You still would have been alpha and omega. Call me a romantic, but I think you would have ended up together anyway."

Jezalyn gave Hycanthe each other a loving look. "That's true. If I wasn't an alpha, it might have been difficult, but all I want is what's best for her." She leaned over to kiss Hycanthe's cheek.

Zared grimaced. "There's no accounting for taste."

I socked him lightly on the arm. "Be nice. Hycanthe is trying to save the world too."

"Exactly," Hycanthe said, looking smug. "All you're doing is being a distraction."

"He's an attractive distraction," Tavian said. "I, for one, am glad he's back with us." He didn't break his stride to put an arm around Zared and give him a hug.

"We're all glad," Ryze said. He gave Zared a warm smile. "Even though the last time I saw you, you would have happily cut my throat."

"The last time I saw you, you were happy to let Khala go into his palace." Zared jerked a thumb towards Cavan. "You were engineering a plan to have her get taken."

"As I recall, I suggested you leave Garial," Ryze said. "You insisted on staying. You were supposed to hide, remember?"

"You misjudged," Zared said.

"At least I didn't have him executed," Cavan pointed out.

"We're very grateful for that," I told him.

"You did all of that to help Hycanthe and me?" Jezalyn asked.

"They did all of that not knowing it was you and me," Hycanthe said. She glanced over to me. "Would you have bothered if you knew?"

"It didn't matter who it was," I said firmly. "I thought my sisters were at risk and I wanted to get you out, whoever you were."

Hycanthe looked disbelieving, but Jezalyn patted her arm and whispered in her ear. Soothing words, presumably, because Hycanthe backed down and fell quiet.