"Really?" I asked cautiously. "You'd let me leave the Summer Court?"

"You're not a prisoner here, Khala. You're here for your own protection. Once you're ready, your life is your own."

"If I decide to go back to the Winter Court, you won't stop me?"

"I'd be surprised if you want to go back after learning what you've learnt already, much less what you'll learn in the following months. However, if that's what you want, I won't stop you." He spread his hands.

"What do you tell the maidens when they first arrive here?" I clasped my hand in front of me and levelled my gaze at him.

His brows dipped. "We tell them the truth. It's difficult for them to accept, but those who transition deserve to know there’s a possibility. Those who don't, won't remember it later." He hesitated, then drew his head back slightly, chin raised. "Ryzellius didn't tell you, did he? He left you to find out for yourself."

I couldn't help the renewed bubble of anger that boiled inside me. I didn't want to think too badly of Ryze, but hehadkept all of that from me.

"He told me the heat would happen," I said slowly.

"But that's all," Cavan stated. "He didn't tell you you may transition?"

"Because he wasn't sure I would." I felt the need to defend him, at least a little. "He didn't want to scare me." It sounded weak, even to myself.

"Winter Court magic can't change memories," Cavan said. "Anything he told you, you would have remembered and he knew it. And so he took away your right to know what was going to happen. He lied to you."

My lips moved, but no sound came out. I couldn't deny a word. I presumed what he said about Winter Court magic was true. He'd know more about that than I would. Although, wouldn't Ryze know someone who could change my memories if he wanted it done? But he hadn't, he flat out lied instead.

"I can see from the expression on your face that was precisely what occurred," Cavan said.

I didn't feel him take my hand, but there it was with both of his clasped around it. "You don't owe him anything."

Where our skin touched, mine tingled. It wasn't attraction, I told myself. It was an alpha-omega instinctive reaction. My body wanted to curl into his, to seek his warmth and protection. To obey.

I forced myself to slip my hand away, and tucked them under my arms.

"I'm sure he didn't mean any harm."

Cavan barked a short laugh. If he was annoyed at me for drawing away, he didn't show it.

"I'm sure he didn't mean any harm tohimself. I very much doubt he gave a shit about you. Did he tell you he did?"

"He might have," I said evasively. Those were personal conversations I wanted to keep to myself. That and the mating bond. He didn’t need to know about that connection.

"I can see you're conflicted," Cavan said. "You may not wish to take up this offer, but I can ask Dalyth to put him out of your mind, so to speak."

"No," I said immediately. "Thank you. I'd rather…deal with everything and move on when I'm ready. I don't want to forget anything." No matter how fucked up it was. Or how fucked up itmightbe. Honestly, I wasn't sure who to believe right now. Who to trust.

"Ryze believes what you're doing here is messing with the weather." I might as well get an answer to that, if Cavan would give me one.

He sighed. "Unfortunately, he's right on that count. In a manner of speaking. You will have noticed it gets hotter in here after you've been practising for a while. There are dozens of omegas learning to use Summer Court magic and Fae teaching them. Here and in other parts of the court. We’ve noticed the more that happens, the more it impacts the temperature here and in the rest of Jorius. We've been trying to find a way to contain it, but we haven't been successful yet. As you might imagine, some of my advisers have suggested they stop practising. Some have insisted we dispose of those omegas.”

He let the words hang in the air for a moment.

“I don't agree with either of those options. Thus, we're still looking for a solution. If you think of one, please let me or Dalyth know. Endless summer would be tiresome, even for the Lord of Summer."

That made too much sense too. We noticed how hot the atrium was after lessons. Every time we were done, I'd cool it down. I told him that.

He looked thoughtful. "That might be something we can try. It can't hurt."

With any luck, it wouldn't. Magic seemed a lot more complicated than anyone let on.

He regarded me for a long moment before he spoke again. "I'm not what you expected, am I?"