"I've never thought about interpreting it literally, but you're right."

He placed his palm on the parchment beside the lyrics. "A place where magic is stronger, the moon shines, magic plays, and there's dew and blooming flowers."

"That sounds like a night in the late spring," I said.

He tapped the page with one finger. "It does."

"Is there a place where magic is stronger?" I asked.

He looked thoughtful, but ultimately sighed. "Probably, but I don't know of such a place. That's the kind of thing the High Lords keep to themselves. Toourselves, if I'm honest. I wouldn't tell anyone about it either. Some asshole would want to exploit it if they knew."

"Or start a war?" I suggested.

"That too," he agreed.

"Is there anything like that on the Court of Shadows' map?"

"Indeed there is." He hurried to grab and unroll that map. It was his turn to read.

“Court of Shadows,whispers creep,

Fae of darkness love to sleep.

Their magic like knives, eyes a-shine,

They lurk and hide, await a sign.

The treeshere bend and twist and creak,

If they're alive, somehow speak.

Branches reach out with spidery claws,

Open the air, the harsh, cold doors.

Fae of shadows gather here,

Court of secrets, place of fear,

Dance and sway with subtle grace,

Shadows flicker on every space.

The moon is always full,

It casts a glow on the skulls,

That line the path and watch,

With hollow eyes, wary touch.

If you dare enterthe court,

To find the ones long sought.

Fae here play a deadly game,

They'll ensnare you, hard as stone.