Dalyth walked towards him, a smile on her lips. In spite of the mud, her movements were graceful, feline, predatory. She might have been walking across the tiled floor in the palace of the Court of Summer.

"You very much have something of value to us. The former Silent Maidens. I've decided your escort isn't adequate. We'll be taking them from here."

The priest looked disbelieving. Fearful but defiant.

"The hells you are. It's my responsibility to get them—" He took half a step toward Dalyth.

She nodded.

Without hesitation, one of her Fae raised his bow. The arrow struck the priest in the eye. He fell to the road with a squelch of mud and a spray of brown water that quickly turned red.

The remaining half-dozen priests pulled their own swords and bows. They arrayed themselves around the carriages. One of them shouted for the women to stay inside. The second arrow caught him in the throat.

One of the women screamed.

Vayne grunted at the sound.

I struggled to hold back my own wince. Why did human women have to be so shrill? Personally, I would have preferred them with their chokers still on. All of them, not just the Silent Maidens. The men too. Humans rarely had much of interest to say anyway.

One of the priests had the nerve to take aim at Dalyth, but he got an arrow through the forehead for his troubles.

Evidently she was done being patient. She waved them forward, then stood with her arms crossed, watching as the Fae men slaughtered the human priests.

Movement to the west caught my eye. The second carriage had stopped somewhat behind the first.

The door opened slowly and a priest slipped out. The gesture he made was clear. Stay here. He made it three or four steps before a woman followed him out.

Her straight, blonde hair plastered to her face within a moment or two. Her light coloured blouse clung to her, almost transparent over her curves and breasts. Her nipples hardened into points, which made me stare in spite of myself.

She's a fucking human, I reminded myself.

Even in the rain, the scent of her was so much more than that. The scent of several of the women, the former Silent Maidens, was more than just human, but this one most of all.

She gestured something to the priest with hand language too quick for me to follow. The gist was clear enough.Let's get the hells out of here.

He glanced into the carriage, then gestured for those still inside to follow.

One of Dalyth's men spotted them and gave a shout.

The priest grabbed the woman's hand and dragged her toward the trees.

"Tyla!" She cried out, but Dalyth's Fae hacked through the last of the priests standing in front of them and started toward the second carriage at a run.

"Come on, Khala." The priest pulled her harder, eyes wide and frantic.

Their pursuers slowed. One took aim at the priest.

Against my better judgement, I pulled my own bow and landed an arrow in the side of the Fae's head. His companion looked towards me and got one right between the eyes.

"And that's why you should practice shooting while you run," Tavian said to their corpses.

"What the fuck did you do that for?" Vayne growled at me.

"Shits and giggles." I put my bow back and pulled out my knife in time to throw it at a third Fae. It struck him in the chest.

Vayne grumbled something and pulled out his sword.

I rose as the priest and the woman disappeared into the trees maybe twenty metres from us. "Let's go."