All I had were my eyes to tell her how much I hated her, but I put everything into it.

She laughed. "You'll thank me someday, Khala." She gave me that smile again and walked away.

Through the bond, I felt worry from Tavian, even some from Vayne. I had nothing to offer back but grief and anger. Where was—

I felt Ryze on the other end of the bond as the door opened and a couple of guards grabbed me and led me out.

"Like I said, she's here," a Fae man with golden hair said.

High Lord Cavan. I didn't need to be told who he was. I could tell from the way he carried himself. Arrogance, smug self assurance.

Ryze stared at me, frozen. "Yes, she is," he said carefully. "Clearly against her will."

"She's promised to cooperate," Harel said. He nodded at the guards who cut the rope from my hand and took off my gag.

Ryze frowned. "Did you make that promise?" he asked me. He took in the expression on my face, the tears on my cheeks.

"I—" I supposed I had. It was my fault for not guessing, not knowing they'd twist it around and do what they did to Zared.

"It's time for you to leave," Cavan said to Ryze. "My patience has run out. Open a portal and you and Wornar can get the fuck out."

"Not without Khala," Ryze said. He opened a portal and gestured for me to go to him.

"She's not leaving with you," Cavan said. "With or without the promise to cooperate." His gaze slid to me. "I have the answers to many of your questions. Including who your real parents are."

I gaped at him. Glanced at Ryze, then back again.

What the hells? I hadn’t expected to hear that, not from him. I hated the way my curiosity was piqued. I wanted to see my sisters, but if I could learn what he knew of my family in the process…

My tongue darted over my lips.

"I'm listening."

* * *