"The hells you are," I told him. What was it with these humans? I thought I was stubborn and difficult.

"I can fight," he snarled. "I won't let them take Khala, even if I have to die to stop that from happening."

"That's noble of you," I said sarcastically, "and that's exactly what will happen. You're staying here."


A blur rushed past his head, narrowly missing him before the arrow embedded itself in the tree behind him. Eyes wide, he ducked.

"Or they could come to us," I said with a sigh. I pulled out my bow and aimed where the smell of Fae was the strongest. I let the arrow fly before quickly nocking another and firing it.

A grunt said I hit at least one of my targets. I ducked before another arrow found itself embedded in my brain. That would be objectionable for so many reasons. Including marring my good looks.

I straightened back up and loosed a third and fourth.

I forgot about Zared until I heard a shout, and saw him jump out of the trees up ahead, sword slashing.

So much for knowing how to use it.

Keeping down low, I headed in that direction at a run. I stopped and slipped behind the thick trunk of a tree. The kind that looked as though it had seen a thousand years, and would stand for at least a thousand more.

Steel clashed on steel. Two figures appeared out of the driving rain. Zared, and a Fae man a head taller than him, were slashing at each other, each keeping the other just out of reach. A dead Fae lay on the ground, an arrow through his chest.

Good shot, I silently applauded. Sometimes I even impressed myself.

Reclining against a tree, I watched the two opponents parry for a minute or two before I decided to put Zared out of his misery. The Fae man didn’t even know I was there until the arrow slammed into his right eye.

Zared paused mid-parry and glared at me. "Took you fucking long enough."

"What?" I said with mock innocence. "You were waiting for me? I thought you had everything under control."

I ignored the mumble that sounded like, 'Fae asshole,' which came from approximately his direction, and turned to locate Tavian.

It didn't take long. I followed the smell of blood and the sound of swearing.

I found them in a small clearing. One man was gripping the stumps where his feet used to be, groaning.

"He didn't step high enough," Tavian said. He was sitting beside a puddle, both hands and most of his weight pressed down on the head of another man. The puddle was just deep enough that the man's face was submerged. He kicked and fought, but Tavian didn't move.

I put my bow away and crossed my arms. "That's unorthodox, even for you."

"I thought I'd try something different," he said lightly.

"So I see." I cocked my head at him. "I think he's dead." His legs stopped twitching and he didn't seem to be fighting back anymore.

"Really?" Tavian looked down in disappointment. "That was too quick."

"On the contrary, I think it was just the right amount of time," I said. "Seeing we have no time to waste."

I pulled out my knife, walked over to the groaning man and jammed it into his throat. I could have left him to die slowly and painfully, but I wasn't a complete asshole.

"Come on, we should catch up with the others before Vayne gets tired of being in the company of humans and decides to eat them after all." I cleaned my knife on the man's shirt and put it away in my boot.

"If anyone is going to eat humans, it will be Vayne," Tavian agreed. He washed his sword and pushed it back into its scabbard.

"He might not even cook them first," I said. The truth was, I was going to have to be careful around Khala, because I very much wanted to eat her. The gods knew there were many, many conversations we needed to have before anyone ate anyone.

Gods, now I was picturing her mouth around my cock.