Page 9 of Sasha’s Bounties

“She’s sleeping,” I tell him, and he relaxes a degree. “I made sure she was fed and showed her the cleanser. She dropped straight to sleep, the moment her head hit he pillow.” Before, actually. I can still feel the weight of her head resting against my chest.

Nodding, Brettin stares straight ahead, lost to his own thoughts.

“What are we going to do with her?” I ask as I lean back in my seat.

“Huh?” Brettin’s eye’s flick to mine, clearly not listening to me.

“I asked, what should we do with her?” His heavy brows slam down low over his eyes, and I add, “She can’t stay here. Space is no place for such a delicate female.”

Brettin slowly shakes his head in agreement, although his voice is uncertain when he says, “No.”

“Where can we take her where she’ll be safe?” I wonder aloud.

“Can we not take her back to her home planet?”

I pause, because since meeting her the thought of sending her home, of giving her up, hasn’t crossed my mind. Not really. Instead, I say, “She told me the name of her planet, but it’s not one I’m familiar with.”

“Did you ask what her species is?” he asks.

“I did.” I leave it at that for a long time, while Brettin waits for me to go on.

“And?” he finally asks.

I take a deep breath and keep looking straight ahead, not able to meet his eyes. “Human. She said she’s human. And there are others who were taken with her.”

Brettin slowly nods his head, as if what I just told him isn’t impossible. Then he huffs out a shallow laugh, “Somehow I’m not surprised.”

What is it about this female, thishuman, that has both of us twisted into knots?

We drift into silence. Both lost to our own thoughts. I can’t say what Brettin is thinking about, but I can’t stop replaying the conversation Sasha and I had over her meal. The expressive way she tried each new food. Wherever she is from, it must be very far from here. Likely too far to send her back even if we could find her planet.

“We should get some sleep,” Brettin announces suddenly, practically jumping out of his seat. “I’ve set a course for a station in sector two. We can pick up supplies there, and then we can figure out what we’re going to do with her.”

Before I can agree with his plan, he is gone. Instead of hearing the door to our shared room slide open, he storms into the communal cleanser and locks it behind him.

What in the seven galaxies has crawled up his ass?

I’m used to Brettin’s moodiness, but this is a bit much. Even for him.

Letting out a long sigh, I turn to the view screen and type in a search forEarth.I’m not surprised when nothing comes up. I’m beginning to suspect she, and the other female’s, were taken from a protected planet. Likely somewhere at the edge of the galaxy. It would make sense, since it turns out they are part of an extinct species.

I blow out a long breath, and close my search. Nothing needs to be decided right now. So why does the thought of sending her away sit like a weight in the center of my chest?

* * *


* * *

Human.She said she’s human…

I couldn’t get away from Vruk and this new revelation fast enough.

Hitting the lock button on the cleanser’s door, I lean my back against the cool alloy and close my eyes. I tell myself it wouldn’t matter what species she was, that this reaction would be the same. Buthumanshave been all but drilled into our minds to be the ultimate desire. More so because theyno longer exist!

I feel like a deviant when my hand goes to the front of my pants, and I palm the heavy erection that hasn’t gone down since I left the female in the captain’s quarters. Wrapping my thick fingers around the much thicker base of my cock, I squeeze until my balls draw up tight and my breath hisses past my lips. Instead of stopping, maybe working my tension out on some weights, I keep envisioning the female tied with her arms over her head. Her lush naked body stretched out for me. In my fantasy, she isn’t frightened like the first time I saw her. On the contrary, her eyes are heavy lidded with desire as her gaze roams over my body the same way mine is hers. When her little pink tongue darts out to tease her full bottom lip I can’t stop the low groan that escapes from the back of my throat.

Pulling apart the front closure of my pants, I stumble away from the door and into the glass stall. Shedding my pants and boots along the way. My fist is already pumping my hard length when I slam the door closed and hit the button to start the sonic waves.