Page 4 of Sasha’s Bounties

Slow. Deliberate. Heavy steps. And they are coming toward me.

Oh, shit! Oh,fuck!

I’ve already spent hours trying to somehow wiggle my hands out of the cording that the aliens wrapped around my wrists. Now I’m doubling up my efforts to get free. It’s no use, though. Even after I’ve rubbed my wrists raw in more than one place, I’m still just as stuck as I was when I started.


The heavy footsteps are just outside the door and I listen as they stop, just long enough for the Star Trek door towhooshopen. When they start back up again, I press myself tight to the wall and bury my face in the crook of my elbow. I don’t want to see what kind of freaky creature is coming for me now.

Please, please, let it be fast!I think over and over. If this is how it’s going to end for me, I don’t want to drag it out.

My eyes are squeezed shut tight and I hear the footsteps come to an abrupt halt. Followed by a low, menacing growl.

Oh god, this is it.

Seconds pass. Then minutes.Damnit! What’s taking so long.

When I hear the footsteps start up again, I can’t help the whimper that escapes me. I turn my head further away, bracing myself for the pain of a laser through my skull or claws tearing into my flesh. I’m expecting it but don’t want to see when it’s going to happen. I don’t want to anticipate it.

The sound of steel sliding free of a sheath ring in my ears.

“Ohgod,” I sob. Not claws then.

Instead of the sharp bite of a knife, the cording around my wrists pull tight, and then goes slack. My arms fall to my chest, and I tip backward into the corner.

My eyes fly open, and I scream at the hulking figure leaning over me. My hands are buzzing with static and still bound when I lift them up in front of me in a useless attempt to ward him away. When he grabs them roughly, I scream again and start to flail.

“Hold still,” he barks, slipping the knife between the cord so my hands separate.

I’m free!

With a whimper, I crab walk away from him until my back presses to the wall furthest from him.

“Puh—Please,” I gasp, my eyes are peeled wide and my body trembling from the adrenaline surging through my veins.

Above me, the giant of an alien watches me. His knife, that’s big enough it would be a sword in my hands, hangs loose at his side. His eyes are locked on me. Eyes the color of pewter in a face both handsome and frightening. Dark horns curl back from just above his temples, like rams’ horns. His chest rises and falls with each breath and his nostrils flare slightly. His chiseled jaw is locked up tight and his skin is… the lightest lavender color.

“Don’t hurt me. Please,” I beg.

His head cocks to the side and his eyes drop to where he’s still clutching his knife. With a sharp shake of his head, he slams it back into the holster strapped to his leg and then drops to his haunches in front of me.

“Never.” The word comes out mostly a growl, and I find myself tensing, even though I suspect he meant it to ease my fears.

His strange silver flecked eyes roam my body, and I don’t miss the way he sucks in a sharp breath and his pupils flare slightly when his eyes land on my naked breasts.

Crap!I fold my arms across my chest and his eyes narrow slightly. For a moment I half expect him to reach for me. To pull my hands away so he can look his fill. To take what he thinks is owed by rescuing me. Instead, he crosses his arms, gripping the bottom of his shirt, and, in a slow, smooth motion, pulls it up and over his head.

My eyes go wide, and I can’t help staring at the incredibly chiseled chest suddenly bared to me. He iscut!I mean, I’ve seen pictures of super fit guys before. Body builders. Professional athletes. Farm guys tend to work hard and have the bodies to show for it. None of them hold a candle to what this dude has going on beneath his skin.

Heavily muscled shoulders frame his wide chest. Thick pecs sit atop stacks of abdominals that disappear along with a deeply carved Adonis belt into his low riding pants.

I lick my lips and a low chuckle brings my eyes back to his. His full lips are quirked up into a half smile and he’s holding his shirt out to me. My face grows hot with embarrassment at being caught checking him out.

With one arm banded across my breasts, I snatch his shirt and pull it over my head, where it nearly falls to the ground around me. It’s still warm from his body and I sigh, letting heat seep into my bones for a moment.

“Come,” he rasps, curling his fingers and beckoning to me. “We need to go.”

“Go where?” I ask, clutching his shirt as if he might suddenly change his mind and take it back. I press myself further into the corner.