Page 3 of Sasha’s Bounties

“I’m not being an asshole. Look, Rovos is a great Vesen but I’m not willing to go off target for no reward. Becausehumans don’t exist anymore.” Not to mention doing this could put ourselves right back in the sights of the very people we managed to escape from revs ago.

“That’s why you’re an asshole,” Vruk mutters into his mug.

“That does not make me an asshole. I’m only saying—”

A sudden commotion draws my attention as a large group of rowdy Rimphons stream into the tavern. The raiders seem to be in rare form this evening and excitedly chatter amongst themselves.

With an eye roll, I turn my attention back to Vruk. “I’m only saying we don’t need to put ourselves in the middle of something that’s none of our concern.”

“Do you hear yourself?” Vruk snorts, taking another long pull from his drink. “Who better than us to take on this bounty? Especially after all we’ve been through.”

Hunching my shoulders, I lean over my ale. He’s not wrong. We were bred into the sex trade. I can’t say born because we weren’t. We were created. Cloned. Sold to one of the many pleasure houses that rely on creatures such as us. For revs this was simply our existence, and we didn’t know any different. Until, one day, something changed. I can’t even say what that something was. Just that… we both felt it. A sense there was something more for us. That we had a bigger purpose. That we were destined for more than just fucking.

An uproar pulls my attention away from my thoughts and back to the group of raiders. A round of ale has been delivered to their table and they are celebrating its arrival. Loudly.

“To our good fortune,” one of them crows from atop the long table with a mug nearly half its size raised high above its head. “And the female who will soon be warming all our beds!”

My head swings back to Vruk, who also has his attention turned toward the group of raiders. Moving only his eyes, he glances at me and then back at them.

Rimphon raiders travel in packs of dozens, sometimes hundreds. How they managed to capture a female at all is quite a surprise, as they are known throughout the galaxies as a species to avoid. Knowing they have one, and by the sound of itonly one, tells us she isn’t likely with them voluntarily.

My gut clenches as I listen to them gloat over their plaything. Even though this is a relatively small group of them—I count fourteen at the table—there could be at least that many back on their ship. I can’t help feeling sick at what is in store for the poor female later.

A low growl has Vruk turning back to me, and it takes a moment to realize the growl is coming from me.

“I feel it too, brother,” Vruk says with a tight nod.

I’m not sure what he feels, or even what I feel, but for some reason it’s close to sending me into a fighting rage.

“Go. Get her away from them and take her to our ship,” Vruk tells me as he gathers up his half full mug. “I’ll distract this bunch.”

Draining the rest of mybrytos, I slam the heavy glass on the table before sliding my chair out.

“Comm me when she’s safe,” Vruk says to my back because I’m already stalking out of the tavern.

* * *


* * *

I’ve finally managedto find a halfway comfortable position. Crouched on the balls of my feet, to give my knees a break, I can lean my head against my bicep so it almost acts as a pillow. This new angle also allows some of the blood to reach the ends of my buzzing fingers.

I’m starting to slip into a light doze when a series of high-pitchedpew-pew-pewsstartle me back to wide awake.

What the fuck was that?

A series of shrill screams has me dropping back down and drawing my knees to my chest. I press myself into the corner of the wall as much as I can manage, with more of thepewssounding like they are bouncing off the walls directly behind me. Squeezing my eyes shut, I pray there is no chance of catching a ricochet.

“Hurry!” I hear one of the grey’s cry out. “We must warn the oth—”

It’s cut off with anotherpewfollowed by the dull thud of its body hitting the ground.

Oh God. Ohshit!Oh God…

When everything goes deathly silent, my heart starts to pound even harder.

Then I hear them.