Page 8 of Nikolai's Baby

Nobody ever talks down to Nikolai Antonov.

I look down at Dream, meeting her bright blue eyes with an unwavering gaze, drilling down deep into her soul to find the last speck of defiance there and crush it to dust. She lasts longer than I expect her to, keeping her eyes open until they start to water. Only then does she look away.

I lean back, humming a small sound of satisfaction. “Take your pants off too. I want to make sure you’re not hiding anything there.”

She’s slow to obey this time, unzipping her jeans like she’s moving through cold syrup. When she pulls them down, my heart skips a beat. Her pale thighs are thick and ample, curving around the most perfect little mound, barely hidden behind the sheer fabric of light-pink panties.

Was she really about to wear that to meet with the Cartel?

She’s lucky I found her first.

“I trust you don’t have anything hidden anywhere else,” I say as I grab her jeans off the floor and fish through the pockets. The fabric is still warm from her skin, and I can smell her scent on them.

My cock tugs at my pants, and it’s not the first time this has happened in her presence.

“I told you already that I wasn’t hiding anything,” she says, the attitude in her words still palpable despite the way I stared her down.

My hand finds a small wad of cash in the back pocket of her jeans, but nothing else. Her purse was left in the car, but that’s being towed to the house by one of my men. I’ll have all her stuff in a little while, but in the meantime, she’s going through some pretty serious questioning so that I can verify her story.

I toss her pants to the floor and hold up the cash she brought with her. It’s a few hundred dollars, which might be a lot to her, but I have socks that cost more than that.

“You see this?” I ask, waving the cash in front of her face. “How much of this do you think that P50 in your trunk was worth?”

“Ten thousand dollars,” she answers confidently.

I laugh. “Jesus, you’ve really been duped, haven’t you?”

She frowns. “That’s what Diego said. I told you that I was just doing this for my cousin. I don’t know anything about all this shit, and quite honestly, I don’t want to.”

“Too late,” I snap, crumpling up the money and flinging it at her.

She flinches as it hits her tits and flutters down to the floor, and I lean in. “That P50, the Protodafinil you were trafficking, how much was it? The weight. I want the weight.”

“I was told that it was ten kilograms.”

“Okay, so let’s do the math, shall we? A kilogram of Protodafinil can be sold in batches of a hundred grams to dealers for about twenty-thousand dollars each. Multiply that by ten, and then ten again, and how much money do you think you were bringing across the border to the Cartel?”

She pauses, blinking a few times as she does the math in her head. I’m confident she’ll be too nervous to do it, but then I’m surprised when she gives me the correct answer. “Two million dollars,” she says softly.

I point to the money at her feet. “That’s you in comparison to what you were trafficking. Nothing. You’re worthless in the grand scheme of things, and the Cartel wouldn’t even consider keeping you alive once they got what they wanted from you. So, either you’re incredibly stupid, or you’re one of them and just pretending to be stupid.”

“I’m not with them, but I’m not…”

“Not what? You’re not stupid? You really think that? You are the stupidest person I’ve ever met, and I’ve met some pretty braindead morons in my life.”

Her blue eyes are already glistening with tears, but I’m not done with her yet. I grab her jeans and shove them into her arms. “Put your clothes back on and come with me. There’s something I want you to see.”

She sniffs, trying so hard to keep the composure that I’m certain I’ll break once she sees what I’m about to show her. It’s going to shatter her soul, but for her own sake, she must see it. She needs to know what she’s gotten herself into.



While I’m relieved that Nikolai didn’t make me get totally naked in front of him and kill me with embarrassment, I still don’t trust him to preserve my dignity. For one, there’s a massive erection in his pants that he hasn’t tried to hide, and to make matters worse, he’s leading me down into the depths of his mansion to show me something that he insists is going to ‘fuck my head up’ for a long time.

I’m not too keen on seeing whatever it is he has in store for me, but he doesn’t give me the option to say no. Instead, he leads me past a door with a big black padlock on it and sits me down in front of a computer.

This wasn’t what I was expecting.